I did this with Skyrim on Xbox when it first came out. It was the TV I had. Imagine my shock at how great the graphics were when I put it on something from this century!

Dances with Tusken Raiders/ The Last Tusken was actually cool. I get why an experience like that would make Boba wish to do things better after a life of murder.

But omg did they remove any steel and common sense from that man. Or experience! The lamest crime lord ever.

If my hunter comes with dusters, I'll take the dusters. Otherwise, I'm switching the knives out for the knuckle knife.

Yes, I sometimes stab an immolator. It's a skill issue.

I always leave a slot free, but only ever find Shadow. Never death cheat.

I love how this devolved into pilots vs A&Ps vs Dispatch vs Loaders.

I think the executives who are running the company into the ground and made the decision to furlough a bunch of pilots while giving themselves fat bonuses are the enemy. Not the other person working to make sure that plane gets somewhere safe.

My favorite is when the concertina bomb gets caught on the invisible extension to the cover you're behind and tossing it over. I hurt myself in confusion.

FO of the Plane Train

Gotta invest in that interruptor gear. It's worth it when you pull up on that Archer that cut you off in the pattern.

Well since no one else wants to say it: own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended...

No one has ever accused me of having any type of fashion sense before, so I'll take it!

Steel Eyed and the Waldmann. No clue what that says about me.

FO of the Plane Train

It was, indeed. No, I'm not going to go back and edit it.

FO of the Plane Train

Uj/ nukemap is pretty fun. I would use it when teaching about Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the Cold War. It was

RJ/ it's a Pirep marking the gravitational pull of your mom's house. All the pilots report in there.

How is the Velocity? I kept finding myself going back to their tent/exhibit at Sun N Fun.

Ideal: A fleet of my own aircraft to include at least 1 warbird as well as something to take the family around in.

Or just go all in on a Skymaster and call myself "Bird-Dog" on CTAF

Admissions/office work/whatever the hell business admin stuff they want me to do for a flight school. It's actually been pretty enjoyable! Great change of pace from the classroom!

Long EZ, VariEZ. A Velocity. Something along those lines! Not military, just someone with a cool plane.

I started as a teacher. My plan at the time was to try and do a lot of ratings and flying over summers.

Thankfully I found a job in aviation and got out and am still working on flying. If you got out of teaching to be an FA for a reason, remember that reason and think long and hard about if it's worth going back. It's always going to be my fallback plan, but I'm not gonna.be thrilled if I have to make use of it!

Remember that time there was a rumor we were going to sack ETH and hire Southgate?

I hope that one never comes true.

Taking a page out of Julian's book!