The department of energy... I kinda like the idea of nuclear physicists being in charge of nuclear weapons, energy and disposal of radioactive waste. But, nah, loyalty to the president is way more important than qualifications.

Does it matter? Extreme on either side is not great for most people.

Catching on fire (stop, drop, and roll) and plaque (the plaque-revealing chewable).

I literally said the same thing about famine and gulags earlier today. It's so obvious, it's the result of every authoritarian regime. But, somehow, that's good?!

This is one of several reasons I will never buy a Samsung product again. Another is their privacy practices. A third is that their products are not high quality. A fourth is the bloatware.

I've been working for 20 years and I still make mistakes. Not everyone is going to know everything and mistakes are how we learn. It's also why we have such robust QC procedures. Don't worry about getting things wrong. Worry about getting the SAME thing wrong REPEATEDLY.

Don't need Congress, just the Senate. Chuck Schumer would let it go through. The last time a seat opened in an election year, the senate majority leader was Mitch McConnell. Different game.

Oh, you act like the US prison system is based on redemption and repatriation and not retribution.

The flip flops while welding is what really does it for me. Well, the flip flops in general, but welding is a special visual.

Brain flakes... Maybe he should rest some of those?

We are asking you to reconsider... By attempting to shame you

I wouldn't. Most employers add the caveat or "ability to get a PE in this state" to their requirements for just this situation. That this prospective employer doesn't gives me pause.

There's also the expense and effort (and time is money). Usually an employer will pay for your license in the state where they want you to practice. This employer is skirting that.

I can't speak to Leatherette, but the leather seats are SOOOOOO sweaty. One of the worst parts of the car.

I enjoyed eating spicy (capsaicin/hot, not just like with cumin in it or something) things when I couldn't taste because you still could feel the spiciness even though you couldn't really TASTE it.

I HATE being asked or having to ask. No one asks me to vacuum or dust or replace toilet paper or whatever. I can't be the only person who sees a thick layer of dust on the furniture or a ring around the toilet? Just, clean it. No need to wait to be asked.