Frühestens in 1-2 Generationen, wenn überhaupt. Sehr viele Leute haben keinen Bock drauf. Bei uns stehen sie schlangenweise an den bedienten Kassen und die selbstbediener stehen leer.

Und das betrifft nur Kassierertätigkeit. Kaum einer im Supermarkt sitzt nur an der Kasse.

Death to Marik, Glory to Marik

For real, and CGL really rushed this one into plastic too! I can't wait to paint it up...once I decided on a scheme lol

He isn't exactly wrong here, I guess he just takes away the wrong information of it.

The Fifth Republic was indeed formed after the Algerian Crisis etc. and the state saw an important renovation. One of those fundamental "problems" the US has is that it is in fact one of those last (if not THE last?) states formed before the french revolution and it never saw a renovation the likes of France, Russia, Germany etc. saw throughout the centuries. And the state clings to this centuries old constitution that, sure, was expanded, but it is still over 200 years old at this point.

I am absolutely obsessed with Eris and Mel, too! I peek around the corner every time I get back to the crossroads and it's infuriating how often she is just not there. And her leaving her...candy wrappers or whatever her trash is like a bread crumb trail is just playing with the interest we put in.

It's easy to write her off as "Oh she is Strife Incarnate" and end her character at that, but come on, where is the point? Of course that is her job, her reason to exist, but that doesn't mean she enjoys it wholesale. Moros and Thanatos for instance have grim work and are both heavily influenced by it. Eris being ostracized by her nature and work HAS to leave a mark on her and you can tell that there is an act to it: to play it up, to play it down, to just play with i.e. Melinoe too.

They did a bang-up job of writing her as a character you can go nuts for and it is not always rewarding but still you crave the interaction AND SO DOES SHE.

I can't remember who tells Mel at one point but she gets reminded that after blocking her path in Erebus, Oceanus etc. ONCE she does not continue to hinder her there, only on the coast. So despite being Strife Incarnate she...takes a step back for Melinoe it seems.

Death to Marik, Glory to Marik

I feel you. Some stuff just can't work differently.

And no, I can't blame you at all. The prospect of waiting this long alone is something that keeps me from submitting anything, other than the multitude of reasons I already have. I'm glad you're giving us your story for free though and that you pursue other avenues of distribution and getting your name out there. In the end Shrapnel is just one of myriad outlets. If your motivation is drained taking a break is always fine and allowed, I just couldn't stand the thought that this minor setback KEEPS you down because you're obviously a creative mind. As I said, looking forward to reading your story, maybe tonight, maybe on friday? I've got a pen and paper session to plan. =)

Death to Marik, Glory to Marik

Definitely saving this for later, The Wars of Reaving are such an underutilised part of the setting!

The style guidelines are also in the back of every current Shrapnel. I can understand why they wouldn't take multi-part stuff right off the bat, but have you considered breaking a story of yours down into more stand-aloneish parts? My mind goes towards J.D. Neal's Anchors Aweigh, which has quite the sudden cut-off imo and it's been over a year till we got a follow-up story in Shrapnel.

The most important thing imo is: Keep at it and keep writing. Maybe this one won't be in Shrapnel but that doesn't mean you'll never be!

Wow, such an in-depth addition to a month-old post. This really flipped things around. I'm a changed person.

Steeve would agree and mash those pesky glyphids right up!

So they are okay with a man in womens' clothing...but not, as they often put it...a man in womens' clothing?

where did you get that from? The original Dragon was designed to replace the Shadow Hawk in the SLDF -> AC, Laser, LRM rack. A variant with a PPC, which would put it closer to the Thug, only came about around ~3030 as the precursor to the proper Grand Dragon in 3050.

Death to Marik, Glory to Marik

Legend of the Jade Phoenix was amazing. Deep dive Clan culture, no Inner Sphere characters involved. Especially for a newcomer it sheds a lot of light on the otherness of the Clans, their idiosyncrasies and hypocricies, both ingrained and intentional.

Heir to the Dragon could be to your liking, it is by the author of WotB and ties into the Warrior Trilogy, WotB itself and goes beyond, you'd be very familiar with a lot of the things going on which is a big plus.

Sorry, aber findest du auch Caitlyn Jenner geil weil sie andere transidentitäre Menschen unter ihr eigenes Auto schmeißt und lgbtq-feindliche Politik unterstützt?

Ich finde jedes mal, dass die Textur zu nah an einer festen feinen Bratwurst ist. Die Würze tut ihr übriges. Das finde ich an sich nicht schlecht, aber für mich trifft es Hähnchen nicht.

Bei meinem Schwager kam es aber gut an, der ist bei Fleischalternativen immer neugierig.

Death to Marik, Glory to Marik

Just saw your Marik mechs, those are looking very nice, no need to worry about them looking too power-armor-like! If Thaddeus Marik were still around he would approve.

Death to Marik, Glory to Marik

ah! yes, absolutely. stripes, a tiny hazard sign (yellow and black triangle or something?) that's exactly what helps scale the model.

not exactly "freehand" but my fiancee did paint on a street onto the base of 'Mech! nothing tells you this model is supposedly 10 meters tall like a road it easily steps over. so consider that too.

Death to Marik, Glory to Marik

What exactly are you avoiding?

For all my love for various space marines I never liked painting them. Too many curves, too sleek in a way. I liked organic models more: Beefy ork muscles, greatcoats on Death Korps or gribbly bits on Plague Marines.

Death to Marik, Glory to Marik

Check out the cover of the anniversary boxset of A Game of Armored Combat. It features an olive-drab Awesome with some checkers, a numeral, an emblem. Lots of little stuff that is good training for your detail skills that has MASSIVE effect on a "plain" miniature.

Death to Marik, Glory to Marik

A few hazard stripes in sensible locations help to break up any paint job and reminds us that this is a machine, not a humanoid in armor. I tried adding heat glow to a Mad Cat the other day following a video by Camospecs on the topic. It's really neat.

I like to add numerals from transfers, but I also tried freehanding those to no bad effect.

SES Stallion of Family Values

Greetings, friend. Do you wish to look as happy as me? Well, you've got the power inside you right now. Use it, and send one dollar to Happy Dude, 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield. Don't delay. Eternal happiness is only a dollar away.

Death to Marik, Glory to Marik

Hey, don't tell ME that =D

Plus it's not like your work gets past some lore checkers before hitting a shelf. Some people will complain about anything.

Definitely looking forward to reading past the excerpt you kindly included in QoS tonight.

Maybe on a different track: Can you tell us more about the process of your "cosmos" coming together in this little corner of the Inner Sphere? Did you conceptualize Katie with the intent of her ending up in the AML and *cough* other places? What was the initial input for Question of Survival? Was it ever a gateway to more Jade Falcons or is there, in a parallel universe, a "Yet more Questions" with Star Captain Rand and the Dominion?

Death to Marik, Glory to Marik

I saw an upset review of QoS clamoring about how JF uniforms don't include neckties and how you should maybe check sarna more often to get your stuff right. Are you agressively including your fashion choices in this book again?

fair enough, it's a very harmless spot, your people have not missed much :D

Nah, it's the chamber with the three buttons, directly to the left of the entrance. There's no real challenge there but my group was so suspicious of the brooms left there from the clean up efforts it took them ages to just move in there