16 is ready to go -Kyle

Asking the public just isn't the best way to do. This cabin already has write ups on it. Just Google

Also, if you can't change a tire in 125f heat. You shouldn't be there in the first place..

He's great at documentary style videos. It's a 10/10 and fills in so much we didn't know

The video mentions this lol

I believe the nearest hospital is in Ridgecrest. Also, I believe the park has a stationed ems there.

Yep, come to deviate delight and play some classic with the boys

Got to smoke a joint with him circa 2013 at contact in the desert. Nice guy

Going off road is the best part of the park. Go do saline valley rd

1000s of vets died from those burn pits, not the mention the depleted uranium rounds

Don't share these site online for fuck sakes. Ppl will come out and ruin them like what's been happening over the years since influencers share every dam thing. Spend time driving the trails and find it, that's half the fun.

It's a mine tunnel that they put gates on to keep ppl out, also known as bat gates. There's hundreds if not thousands of them in the surrounding areas. If u cut it, though, u can easily crawl through. Also, how u know its a old mine and not a water drawn-out is because they did not reinforce the inside with a drainage pipe.