Honestly this spell feels half done and just lacking if something. Like it's almost okay. It almost makes sense, but not quite.

If a person need to go to chatGPT to have a spell done, they probably won't understand enough of the steps to actually preform it.

Jupp that's the kind of old I was thinking about. I have a mental collection of old love spells. Lol.

To me it feels like a sanitized version of those old love spells that I don't know if I'm allowed to mention here.

Yes there's several books on green witchcraft. You can also check out the green witch on Youtube.

It's easy and the internet loves easy. Don't think I ever done it.

Knowledge is important. Cross reference what you read. There's also podcasts on Spotify you can listen to.

Pretty much this. And my pinterest also get lot of tiktoks that aren't really informative.

But it can be good for looking up what herbs to use or what day to do a spell, if I don't feel like search through a book.

It's meh. Can be good, can be less good. I would never use it as an only source.

Do yourself a favor and do some basic research before putting your trust in a stranger online.

That will probably make the jar way less effective. I think Hearthwitch on Youtube got a video about these basic stuff.

No more like if you used your own energy, raised energy from a source outside of yourself, or asked a spirit for help.

What did you do to power the spell? Also jars tend to be a more long time kind of thing, nine days isn't a lot of time.

Not best friend, but closest friend where I lived at the time. 10-ish years later and we're still together.

I only seen people giving money to high quality educational content, or mental health shorts that have helped them. But hearing about kids giving 100's of dollars to someone with 1M+ followers makes me sad.

Since I don't know your goal it's better that you do your own research.

Though other kinds of spells might be better for your intention.

I poppet can be made in different ways for different purposes. So not really, but I never heard about one poppet being made for two people.

Why not make a spell pouch/bag instead?

No I have had spells that didn't give any results, but I never heard about karma being a possible reason.

Not sure if I belive in any kind, but it's such a big topic that I can't say 100% sure that I don't belive in it at all.