My bet has been that long term monero trends to zero when priced in bitcoin.

Odell's Wager

What would have happened if you had taken the counter bet?

Jul 6 2020.0069740%64.87
Jul 6 2021.006353-8.9%221.82
Jul 6 2022.006051-13.23%125.88
Jul 6 2023.005510-20.99%167.15
Aug 6 2023.005512-20.95%160.19
Sep 6 2023.005534-20.65%142.43
Oct 6 2023.005494-21.22%149.70
Nov 6 2023.004718-32.23%164.93
Dec 6 2023.003902-44.05%170.73
Jan 6 2024.003506-49.72%153.31


Odell's Line. Delisting drammalama is pushing XMR lower then ever as people are probably running away. DCA from BTC to XMR is probably the move right now.

Stablenero has broken the top bar and the market finally dumped. Will the weekly moving average return to back into the bars of stablenero? is STablenero dead?

Find out next time on Monero ball z.

P.S. I think I got shadowbanned from posting this in xmrtrader