My ex twisted our TV remote in half and threw it at me, twisted in half! Threw things a lot, hit me, spit on me, I put up with it for longer than I'd like to admit.

My advice to OP, run, run and don't look back.

36 here, and 10 years ago I had a huge friend group and a girl, flash forward and I've got 2 real friends, and I'm terrified of relationships. One friend I've known since HS and he ain't even around much, the other I met through my ex and he's a real one, recently moved away buy we still talk everyday, plan on visiting him this month for his 30th. Friendship is hard man.

These comments are wild, your boyfriend sounds like a creep, and you're not looking for answers besides what you want to hear. Good luck with that.

Wrong website dude, 99% of users have no idea what you're saying.

Older teens may not see IT in the same way adults don't, IT preys on children specifically for that reason, IT also has the power of invisibility.

That's what I didn't like, the entity IT landed or came to earth millions of years ago, first recorded killings were in 1715 in Derry, it wouldn't (and isn't) be bad at it's job like that. 

My eyes were rolling in my head at the first scene with him, like really? Really? What kid wouldn't run screaming from Skarsgårds Pennywise? Curry was perfect, creepy but not horrifying slobbering creature clown.

Absolutely felt forced, and to be fair he nailed it in that sense, it just irks me that it completely disregarded the whole point of Pennywise's clown form that was supposed to not be scary or creepy. Well creepy maybe but not like that.

Gibbering slobbering psychopathic looking clown right from the first scene, just ridiculous.

That's my point, he's not supposed to be terrifying as Pennywise, that's the exact opposite of what the Pennywise form is about, he's a "glamour" who uses the Pennywise form to not be scary, opposite of Skarsgårds version. That's where it failed for me. Was it a bad performance? No. Was it a horribly misconstrued concept of the character? Yes.

The genius of King is I believe he made clowns scary, or at least scarier. Kids used to love clowns, with IT, when he wrote it he essentially had Ronald McDonald who greets you with a smile, then turns in to a werewolf or a mummy or whatever your biggest fear is. 

Skarsgård looks deranged and psychopathic from the first scene we see him, for Georgie to stick around is so ridiculous and not plausible. Curry made it work somehow, Georgie was still foolish but Curry played like the "Hey buddy! How's it going? Don't you want your boat back?" Skarsgård looked like total nightmare fuel no kid would trust for even a second, especially in the 80s as the remake set it in. 

Skarsgård's Pennywise. It came off as extremely cheesy and stupid to me, the whole bit, the eye thing and the gibbering, it was so not true to the book at all. The whole point of Pennywise's clown form is to not be scary, but rather entice kids in with the funny clown and then turn in to their biggest fear, not the clown. Skarsgård's performance completely ignores that and just goes for "Ooooh creepy clown!". It annoyed me, a lot.

Thank you, I was looking for this comment, absolutely iconic and unique.

Wait a minute... There was no cane in 'Citizen Kane'!

All amazing films but they're looking for something new they haven't seen, I on the other hand could watch those all in a marathon today lol.

Trash is taking off her clothes again!!!

OBEY! They might dig it but I doubt it, like I said they're very hard to pin down with horror and kinda movies in general. 

I was thinking of 'The House of the Devil', got mixed up lol, but I'll check out 'The Night House'.

Ahh I was thinking of 'House of the Devil', I'll check out 'The Night House' that sounds interesting.

A bit too violent I think, maybe the Joe Bob episode would make it easier viewing lol.

Haven't seen either so I'll check those out, thanks.