And this quote from the article to which the picture is attached... "I love the architecture [of Old East Village] and thereโ€™s a real sense of community. Everybody is always trying to help one another.โ€ Everybody but Adam, I guess.

Mobile lawnmower repair?Ask a Local! :maple-leaf:

Can anyone recommend a lawn mower repair person/service that will come to my house? Lawnmower just needs a basic tune-up at the start of the season, but I don't want to transport it in my vehicle somewhere. Thanks!

Yes. I marvel at how many followers she has.

This is my biggest issue, and maybe I can be convinced to think differently. But it drives me nuts when someone so anti-government, anti-business, anti-anything-remotely-mainstream... uses Instagram to share their lives. How on earth are you comfortable with integrating Meta into your family's day-to-day when you are so virulently driven by conspiracy theories and a Big Brother mindset? It's true cognitive dissonance and it reeks of hypocrisy.

The way she writes -- she has to be one of the LeeksPapaya people, right? It looks familiar.

Is it appropriate to bake something for my Muslim neighbours in celebration of Eid?Question โ“

For the past three years, our neighbours across the street have brought us baked goods at the beginning of Ramadan. If I understand correctly, this is part of the tradition-- giving treats to neighbours. The treats have always been delicious and I appreciate their generosity.

I would love to return the kindness by baking something for them. I thought maybe giving it to them tomorrow as they celebrate Eid might make sense? But as a non-Muslim, I don't know if this is appropriate. Would they even want or consume treats from a non-Halal home? If the answer is yes, is there something specific I could bake, or would any of my go-to baked goods work?

Update: Thank you for the suggestions. I baked chocolate chip cookies and hummingbird muffins and dropped them off this afternoon. Sometimes I overthink things, so I appreciated the reassurance to just DO it! Happy Eid to everyone who celebrates.

Where can I find a variety of concealed hinges?Question โ“

Our kitchen cabinets have standard hinges and we're going to switch to concealed (ideally soft close) hinges. Unfortunately, we will need a variety of them to fit because our original 1970s cabinets don't have uniform door sizes, etc. I've checked out Home Depot and Lee Valley but they don't have enough variety to find what we need. Any suggestions for where I could source some in a variety of sizes/angles/attachment positions? Thank you!

It's helpful! I was being sincere, not passive aggressive ๐Ÿ˜Šย  I posted the same question a few years ago and have noticed that every time others post, it's the same few names suggested over and over. Good curly hair stylists are hard to find! I go to Annette at Skintreet and have been very happy.

If you search this sub for "curly hairdressers" you'll see the same few names suggested again and again ๐Ÿ‘

Urgent Care at St. Joe's is exactly where you need to go.

It's true. So many items are more expensive there than they would be new in store! (E.g., Walmart, Old Navy, Giant Tiger, etc.)

Definitely. His voice is much hoarser and he has frequent pitch breaks when he talks. Probably has vocal nodules or something.

Interesting that you consider Al Jazeera a "reliable news agency". ๐Ÿ˜ณ

You want to volunteer to work with kids? Or you want a place where kids can volunteer?

You aren't kidding! That's wild. 1.3 million.

Did you know there is a program at LHSC where you can have a midwife and OB combo? It's specifically for women who have complicated or high risk pregnancies but still want the midwife experience! Here is a link to some information about it.

We ordered two of them to take advantage of the deal; it took over 3.5 hours from the time of ordering to the time of delivery. Makes sense now.

You can use the Interlibrary Loan System to get physical books from pretty much anywhere in Canada. First, you search the ILLO system for books in our shared library network (Southwestern Ontario) and can get one if available. If they don't have a copy in our shared network, then you can put in a request for the book from elsewhere. The ILLO librarian searches all available libraries and will get the book for you if it's available somewhere! I've recently had books in from Kenora and Sudbury. In the past, I've had them from Calgary and Winnipeg.

CBC isn't the best at updating things like this, but her profile page still lists her as the host. You'd think they'd take it down if she were officially done. She was also the host long enough that you'd think they'd give a bit of a send-off. But who knows. I miss her hosting; Amanda Pfeffer bumbles and mumbles her way through the program on the daily.