I'm not broke, not by a long shot. I make plenty of money, I'm just not stupidly spending it on status symbols.

Red. It's my favorite and a power color. It looks awesome on me with my long silver hair.

Oh and I don't care how much money you have, I just want to make sure I don't have to add you to my many financial obligations, that I pay for by myself. I want you to be kind, funny and treat me with respect. I want you to like me more than your phone.

Are you kidding me? I think iPhone users are idiots. They cost too much. It's a fucking status symbol. My android can do anything your iPhone can do at half the price and I still have plenty of money to enjoy my life. I'm not interested in status symbols or in men who seem to think that all women are the same.

I hated my name the whole time I was growing up. Always swore I was gonna change it when I turned 18. By then, I realized that everyone in my life was still gonna call me Shirley, so I just learned to accept it. I'm Gen Jones, so no, I'm not named after Shirley Temple Black. I was named after a maternal great aunt of my mother's.

Right now, I'm really digging really cold watermelon

Woman 60+

Sex toys are useful in a pinch, but nothing beats the real thing with a warm and enthusiastic human IMO

Woman 60+

Yup. I lost 115lbs in full menopause and have kept it off for more than 2 years.

I was happily married to my cancer fella for almost 30 years before he passed. He took care of me in little ways that I miss fiercely two years later.

Fuck that! I would send him pics of myself EVERYWHERE in my bikinis. Grocery store, church, walking down the street. Then tell him to gfhs and live my happy life doing whater tf I want!

He did me a huge favor. He handled all of his own end of life decisions before he became incapable of it. The only decision I had to make was to start the morphine at the end because his lungs were filling with fluid and he was struggling to breathe. He refused it before. He was in a coma by then.. He was gone 5 hours later. It was his last loving act in 33 years of loving me.

Story of my fuckin life, lol and I don't have to be stoned to do it. I constantly forget I have something in my hand while looking for something else and I'll set the thing in my hand down in the oddest places. It's annoying when Im trying to get shit done.

I've not been addicted to everything, but cigarettes were the hardest for me. I quit alcohol no problem. I overcame a food addiction, lost a bunch of weight and have maintained it a couple years. Quitting smoking was still harder. I swear they put shit in them to make them more addictive. It took 5 tries before I finally beat it 20+ years ago. I finally quit because I was mad at myself because I couldn't seem to beat it. I'm a stubborn old gal.

Woman 60+

It's different than when I was younger. Looks are less important now. No sickly guys. I just got over losing my late husband after a long battle for his life. He needs to be healthy and strong and can still get it up, geez! He's gotta be confident, but not arrogant or cocky. He's gotta be funny and kind. He has to be financially independent, as I am. He has to have his own life/hobbies/interests outside of me and work. He has to have a growth mindset. He's looking for a friend/lover/partner, not a mommy. He has to be at least as "grown" as I am. He has to be open to life long learning. and last but not least, he can make his own goddamned sandwiches. Most men I meet don't even measure up to half that shit, so I suppose I'll be single for the rest of my life.

Funny story. I'm a 67yo widow. I have been seeing a 75yo man who lives in another state. That's a huge age gap at this end of life. The only reason it works is that we are both healthy, active and we think young. He always says " I might not look like much, but I fuck like the government" And he's not wrong, lol. My late husband was 3 years younger than him and he was an old man in thought and deed. The difference is night and day.

Scorpio with Libra asc and Venus in Libra here. Aquas fascinate the hell outta me, but they break my heart every fucking time. I'm seeing a Leo atm, we're in an ldr which is working fine for both of us right now. I never dated any Geminis, not drawn to them at all.

Hippie Speedball = a joint and a coffee.

Woman 60+

"No, it's not my job to manage your emotions."

Posties are cool, just ask me!

My 85 yo mother still has the occasional one. She went through surgical meno at 35.

You need white noise in your life to dampen outside noises. I run fans all the time for that, but you can get a machine too. I combat decision fatigue by eating a lot of the same things. My clothing is all mix and match. Housework is scheduled. I try and make any decisions early in the day when I am fresh. I also give myself a pass if I just can't anymore. I keep a fully packed sick kit in the house and I keep some easy to fix food in the freezer for times I just cant cook. Here's my trick to get myself out of overwhelm. Usually my brain is telling me that there are a million things to do and I can't possibly do all that in one day. I get out a notepad and write it all down. It helps me to see that there isn't as much as I think AND I can decide what is priority, what is not. The list is much more manageable after that. I have a doorbell camera and a couple others outside, so I can look at the cameras instead of looking out or going out to see what's up. Good locks, a dog, a loaded 12gauge shotgun and good relationships with my neighbors make it safe for me to live here alone. Do what you have to do to make yourself feel safe.

Posties are cool, just ask me!

I agree! I wish this sub had been around 30 years ago when I started the transition. I have learned so much here!