As a Crew fan he'd be great.. but he's too French to coach team USA

I mean the Venn diagram of Tea Partiers and Jan 6th participants is a circle.

At this rate protest FIFA and cancel the world cup


I'm still actively in the club.

But he and Cucho are vibing finally and that's huge.

We protest CONMEBOL going forward. Strangle their league as best we can.

Well when you interpret it as "okay Jesus or we will make your life hell"... I can't argue

Are they poisonous too?

Isn't that where the Crewnicles of Nancia takes place?

You ever tow or try and hook up a cyber truck? You have to drop the trailer (10 minutes), then finagle your truck into it, then fully charge (80% isn't going to cut it), rehook the trailer, then continue on...

Then when you finally get to the ramp you have to somehow launch the boat without getting the truck wet or you void the warranty!