Looks like some kind of “gravy” like the little packets you just add water to or a can of cream of mushroom soup.

Yes!! And also search by keywords. So many times I know what I want to use and I can’t find it sifting through everything and not knowing if I’m just scrolling past it or it’s not an available option for that particular design 😣

It’s a lovely thought but the marching band isn’t bringing in billions of dollars. NFL doesn’t even have marching bands so that kind of nullifies your point.

They get plenty of space. Football fields are huge. Expecting every single person to completely exit the field for crowd entertainment is silly. Imagine a kicker missing a kick simply because he didn’t warm up properly and a team losing because the cheerleaders needed every inch of the field “just because”.

Grifting for Corsets

For someone who claims she has all this horrible abdominal pain I don’t understand all the high waisted leggings. Why would you want to wear something that is literally pressing on your abdomen like that all day long?

Grifting for Corsets

I can’t even lie it’s fucking awesome and I hugely recommend.

There was the incident when they paired her with Janelle for mentorship on her “fitness” and I got the impression that she maybe dodged or wasn’t totally honest with Janelle about wanting her help. That likely left a sour taste in her mouth and she was a leader at the time so if the girls felt VK had slighted and/or insulted Janelle that could have been the start of it.

Does anyone thing she spit on her hands then rubbed it on her cheek before grabbing her phone to video this?

It’s not “practice” it’s literally practice. As someone else stated kickers especially, but these guys do have to stay warm and stretched. They’re not out there trying to “hog spotlight” as others have suggested and I’m sure not even trying to be in your way intentionally, but they are priority. The dance team, cheer team, photographers, band, coaches, etc are all there secondary. A LOT of money is invested in football. It’s like going to a play and being annoyed the actors are on stage while the orchestra has to sit in the pit. The “main attraction” if you will gets the priority. Band, dance, cheer, etc are there to get the fans excited and keep people occupied between quarters and during time out. That’s all there is to it.

As someone who goes to a lot of sporting events and pays a lot of money you are 100% correct. I’m there to watch the game and everything else is just fluff. Sure I enjoy the dancers/cheer team and recognize their talent but I am absolutely not spending thousands of dollars to go see them and would expect they not interfere with why I’m really there.

It’s not negative, it’s a genuine question. This person has left numerous responses to other comments making assumptions and continues to say the same thing when others have very eloquently tried to explain. Hence my asking if they have ever played a sport themselves because if not, it would explain their lack of being able to understand the need for practice and keeping muscles warmed up. Not sure how asking that is being negative…

Lol no one is paying $150+ a ticket to watch 2 minutes of choreographed dance routines.

Agreed. This is a very weird take to think the athletes are somehow trying to steal the cheerleader’s sunshine. That’s not at all how this works.

Meh. They’re taking an opportunity to practice on the field. It’s literally what the point of the entire stadium and why anyone is there. The “stars” go into the locker room to clean up, do whatever. Those not playing need to stay warm in case they need to go in. You shouldn’t fault the people who are there doing exactly what they should be doing. The cheerleaders are there for entertainment only, and most people couldn’t care less to be totally honest. It’s 2 minutes of something to watch if you aren’t getting up to get a beer or snack or use the bathroom.

The football players are there to win a game and get paid. The cheerleaders are there to keep the audience entertained during points in time that the game isn’t happening. The players warming up and staying loose and practicing is way more important to them and everyone else. No devaluing the women themselves, but the entire point of anyone being in that stadium and spending hundreds of dollars on a ticket is to watch football.

“You think my face looks smooshed? I’ll show you what a smooshed face looks like!!!” - Bella, probably.

I wonder if she’s seen that episode of Family Guy yet…IYKYK

It would destroy their “America’s Sweethearts” aesthetic if the girls were dating and/or having sex with the athletes. They are to appear completely stepford at all times. Lookie but no touchy.

She looks extremely healthy in her latest IG post, I’m really rooting for her.

Yeah on that note did anyone else find K’s conversation with Anisha about her religion weird? We don’t get the context of why it was even being discussed in the first place, but why make a point of including it at all? And the shock when Anisha said she converted to Catholicism when she got married, K looked like she’d been told aliens were landing in the middle of AT&T stadium and were hijacking all the fringe and puffy sleeves. It just felt like an odd conversation to include and out of place for the rest of what was being shown in that moment.