I am too fucking tired to look them up but there is a video of Biden as VP under Obama on a national news program telling Americans to buy a shotgun for home defense.

There is also a video of Trump saying we should “take people’s guns away first and then charge them with a crime”

I guess you just want to make up bullshit because that’s the best you got huh?

No one gives a shit that you’re a native so please shut the fuck up about it.

I’ll keep saying this until we see a sentence: even a 6 month stint in jail during election season would be devastating to him.

Says right there at the top : 100% Value

6-8 months in jail during an election year would be devastating though.

Just to point out of of this, one of the way companies kept some of their money instead of giving it up to the government in the form of taxes was by reinvesting that money in their own companies and its employees. Now it’s all lay offs and stock buy backs.


While all of that is true, we are still talking about space marines. There aren’t too many solo events up until this time that sees 125k space marines casualties (assuming of course they got half). In the context of the siege of Terra and the DSM it’s even more impressive when you consider this was only one legion inflicting these sort of casualties on the other.

Hive Scum

Awesome job man. Those turned out beautifully. Your terrain is top notch too

Once they announced the rework I tapped out. Shame too because I loved this game.


Having just finished this book I couldn’t agree more. Jesus, the first half of the book is literally just the walkthrough of how badly the Ultramarines get decimated here.

No I mean the rise of fascism in America and the Maga movement.

Unbelievably poignant as an American to read these words today given the state of American politics. It’s also terrifying.

Man, imagine wanting to die for Donald Trump. I mean, please go ahead, but jeez

It was but lightly. It wasn’t a sustained hail in brandywine. Just lots of large one offs for 20 minutes if that makes sense? Could have been a lot worse.

Stranger Than Fiction

Solid soundtrack , great acting , just a delightful movie

Despite this probably never coming up for a vote, I do support the notion that smartphones have no business being in the hands of kids, especially in school.

It’s a badge of honor I bet for his cult followers. For anyone with half a brain it’s a stunning turn around for a man that has seemingly escaped any sort of actual consequences and has managed to fail upwards his entire life.

The show does a pretty wonderful job of showing the inherent weaknesses to both sides of the methods a group can use to fight for civil rights. Calling Magneto Based just means you lean more towards the ends justifying the means in terms of execution on how you feel you would go about doing that.

Either the means with which you try to accomplish your goals matter (Charles) or only the results matter (Magneto). Both sides are simultaneously wrong and right imo. Both are pretty solid views into the duality of man.

My personal fav is the classic set up of one of each. Ogryn and Zealot front lining, Psyker with a bubble shield and CC, and a solid vet picking off threats.

Can’t go wrong with 4 ogryn though either heh

They are Billions

Xcom 2

Civilization- pick one really heh