0-1990 ??? Do you think the world came into existence in the year 0 or what? Girl no wonder you have issues grasping this subject. Clearly you don't have all the tools to work with.

It depends. Some people are unhoused, some people are homeless. There IS a difference. Some one choosing to live in a van on the road is unhoused. Some one struggling and are without a home are homeless. But if people are using unhoused for every single person without a home, yeah, that's just stupid.

So utterly disgusting. This is why I hate when people say you should respect other peoples culture. There is nothing to respect about this disgusting practice. It's vile.

This is internalized homophobia at it's finest. I was about to ask if you have no shame, but clearly you have an abundance. Get a grip, suck a dick.

That YOU forced them? Imagine being this much of a piece of shit. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this. I wish you the best, you and your aunt ROCKS!

I guess it depends on the country's natural resources as well. Canada has to have a lot of those! :p But yeah, it's not like you have to pay 50% to have a functioning government/country with a high standard of living. Imagine the top 1% in America paying 35% taxes, or the big corporations actually paying their part. Now wouldn't that be a sight to behold. Imagine all the good that could do.

That's very true. Greece is in no way a great example, but to suggest that losing 50% of tax revenue is somehow going to improve things there is just insanity. That has been the status quo, look how that worked for them. People who hate taxes just do not care about their fellow countrymen, it's as simple as that and as American as it gets.

So they should do like you in America and let people die because they can't afford healthcare? They should do like you in America where you indebt your self for life for taking an education? They should do like you in America where you have to choose which medication to take because you can't afford them all? You should do like America and ignore child abuse because you don't have a solid system to take care of your own citizens? Miss me with this absolute American bullshit. Makes me want to throw up.

I've had guys during anal, ask me if they can finish in my mouth, and I'm like sure if you go wash your dick first. Have been turned down every single time. In what world would I EVER put a dick in my mouth right after it's been in my ass? This is not a fucking porno you sick fuck. (Gay man btw) Saw this sub through browsing all and don't even know if it's ok for me as a guy to post here.

This has truly become such a sad incel-infested shit hole. Lord have mercy.

You guys literally screwed over your own country just to avoid immigration. I would not be mentioning the UK in this context at all, unless it was a joke?

This made me laugh, thank you.

Avoidance is part of having anxiety, it's one of the ways it shows itself. You're right that it only makes it worse, the only way to beat anxiety is exposure. Calling avoidance addiction is just straight up ignorant, misleading and potentially harmful. It places ALL blame and responsibility on the individual, which is very American of you. That's why I'm annoyed. Maybe I'm being a cunt, sorry if I am.

The homeless guy "realized" mid-sentence that he was most likely talking to a fellow homeless person. So he stopped himself asking him for money.

So please try to explain how you "kinda see what she means" without just literally describing anxiety. Where is the addiction in your previous comment? I don't see it, I just see anxiety and avoidance. _^

That's literally what anxiety is though. That's not being addicted to it, that's suffering from it. The difference should be very obvious.

I wish I could be this optimistic about people. "Why didn't she just leave" you never heard that before?

How cute! An incel caught in the wild! Please nurture that hatred deep in your soul, let it eat you alive, from the inside out.