Those mistakes by Canada’s defense were funny af.

Yeah, absolutely. It’s a defect in character to downplay a fighter just because they lost.

It’s pretty crazy how Adesanya didn’t go out cold from those combos by Pereira. Has a crazy strong chin. And when Alex was teeing off on him in the 2nd fight as well— impressive af that his guard was able to withstand that.

Pereira knocking top LHWs out so easily absolutely justifies his move to heavyweight. Hopefully Blaydes pulls out against Aspinall and Pereira can fill in. Beats Aspinall, then fights Jones.

Hope Jiri doesn’t commit seppuku after this though 😞 he’s only 31 and can still improve.

Pereira 13-1 against Adesanya 🗿 he predicted Jiri to beat him.

All of that build up in the staredown just to get beaten so easily. Kinda disappointing. He’s still only 31 though. Needs to focus on his defense.

Alex started feeling bad for going 3-0 against him and decided to let him have one.

Fr, Jiri is just not on his level when it comes to his technical skills.

Yes, absolutely. I think people underestimate Poatan’s defensive grappling. His striking is the ultimate TDD.

That’s exactly what I thought. Straight out of the Good the Bad and the Ugly duel.

Lopes speaking Spanish with a Brazilian accent is always pretty funny to me

Has to be 2-1 Lopes. Feeling like some fuckery might happen with the judges tho.

Saw an eye poke there I’m pretty sure. Smith could get away with it.