he's not using an algorithm or high frequency trading or any of the old book. I think he's just figured out what would be their outline, before they release each chapter.

That's what worries me about this all. She seems so abused and demure and his behavior is brazen and aggressively toxic.

I worry he might be escalating things to a dangerous place for OP. She's right that she can't live like this (even as it is now) it's draining and scars the soul.

But my worry is she isn't self protective and self caring enough or may not be able to even see when the time is to call the cops or something. These kinds of tumultuous times can pop off so much faster than the submissive partner has any clue or often role in.

Even the most iron-clad (as possible) PRE-nups often are thrown out at the discretion of a judge.

See I have come across this before and I personally think it's flawed in extreme examples. Like if you were really the victim of something like interspousal rape, violence, false arrest, (or anything 'extreme' to the individual) then sometimes 'not being over their ex' is only in the sense of still being angry...

I wouldn't want to trap those victims for the rest of their life under an invalidating assumption they still want to be with or have unresolved feelings other than trauma.

Man I hate that for him... that's the type of thing that makes our stomach drop when we wake up in the middle of the night the rest of our lives.

People impress me so often on the internet with observations like that in their niche and expertise.

This bodes well that you're personality isn't the issue and you're friendly...

strattera is one (non stimulant) option that some have success with.

This guy reminds me of some amagulation between Mr. Ballin and the dude from The Why Files.

it made it hard to upvote! I didn't want to upvote that title, but I like to increase the sharing of shit propaganda that fails like this.

I was vehemently impressed with their awareness and devotion to the cause in Palestine!

to be fair...

I can't think of too many places we've been rougher on, ourselves.

he ABSOLUTELY wasn't hoping for violence there, then. He'd be terrified of that and helpless. No, he got exactly what he wanted, he wanted to record and edit a propaganda interaction to make him and his family feel like the victims.

Untrue for many people. Personally I felt a little more impatient and Grrrr on higher doses of Vyvanse than I did my high dose adderall when finding the right med and amount.

I think how he's dressed in every pic is 'aging' him as much as his hairline and glasses.

His 'try' was to try to get people to open their eyes. If more and more people understood--really--that we do NOT have a two party political system....

That's step one to change.

We can only take this in steps. People have acted like I'm a loon when I talk about this stuff the last 20 years since I was voting age.... but it's always been obvious.

Then I would be part of a minority of folks voting for Paul and Sanders.

Let's get the majority voting for third party! Only way to beat the two party system is to get enough people to vote for a third. Seems like more should if more realized the two sides are one.

Edit-- you're viewing it backwards (and I get why), but it isn't apathetic to think "Oh shit, both parties running are shit!" It's apathetic to have a majority of people who WOULD vote for another candidate saying "oh shit, no point voting outside these two.. a vote for the third party is ABSOLUTELY wasted... so STUPID! Be apathetic to vote for them."

Then we don't.

Personally I think that could be 'her', but here we see her with her guard down, not at work, mask slipped, maybe some alcohol or benzos or opiates in 'er.

Dude a lot of nurses believe shit like that. I think if you want to actually find people on the nutty side of the tree, you limit to nurses and therapists.

LMAO to the required circlejerk.

Similarly been living a simpler life and just trying to be a decent father always getting better. I CAN wrap my head around your story in my own way.

There was a story to how I ended up there, but in my last high speed pursuit I had packed my most important things to either move out of state or die in it- drank a bottle of 151, took half a bottle of adderall, and was smoking bowl after bowl of green hits while going 120mph in the end..with six cops following me and an otherwise open road in the middle of the night. AND like a dumbass teen had a fucking pellet gun pistol in a shoulder holster and a combat knife. I wasn't in a good headspace then either and now two decades later I just see how S-word I was it was more like the drugs and acting out were a symptom of 'that' rather than cause (in my case).

But dude... THIS poor guy: "I was also paranoid... In my discovery, they admitted that they had even the city employees watching me. They didn't wanna spook me so they had a city truck sit by my place and watch."

He's the posterboy of they not getting paid enough for his job, whatever it is.

You were pretty damn perceptive about the cop rolling the stop sign, I don't think paranoid works as the right adjective when the voices are really out to get you.

Enjoy your garden and all the crazy ages our kids go through bud! Glad you're doing well.

"The reason why books are burnt isn't because the people burning don't like to read, it's because the people commanding the burning don't want you to read it, they're afraid of it."

DAMN I really liked that!

It really can make a huge difference to not get stuck with a pub defender. Even a shitty lawyer is better than one that is too busy to look at your case.