Rust users discover it's a trademark after Foundation proposes new policyCommunity

The Rust Foundation tweeted a rewrite of their trademark policy and FAQ for comments:

With much surprise, Rust users and developers discover that RUST is indeed a registered trademark! Surprise! :eyeroll:


- Any major FOSS project should at least pretend to treat their brand as a legal trademark, and have a policy/FAQ, even if they don't really enforce it much (which is fine). I always find it surprising when people misunderstand trademarks so deeply (seeing the twitter thread reactions).

- Any Foundation leadership pondering a trademark policy change should really work with the community up front, and ensure the policy and especially FAQ language matches what their foundation ethos is. I definitely agree with a few commenters that the new FAQ language is... poorly explained (and much too restrictive) given the community culture Rust appears to have.


Nothing. (answering the OP's literal question)

The FSF - mostly through creating and popularizing the GPL and the workable copyleft licensing regime - has already done their critical part. If it weren't for the copyleft concept developed back then - made to legally work, as well as used on some popular projects at the time - then open source today either wouldn't exist, or would look very different.

But in terms of "open source" today? It's the dominant way that most software is developed. Open source communities will continue to struggle with vendors trying to dominate, rug pulling, or other shenanigans. But things like the GPL and Apache license will be here forever, and we'll still be building a lot software openly.

(Sorry, Dan, was that too snarky?)

Fascinating idea, although there are so many different aspects here that it's hard to see what the true focus is. That may make it hard to attract members, especially members who will become productive and helpful volunteers.

Precursor to a SWE union structure? Open licensing advocacy (carrots) and pressure campaigns (sticks, for corporations behaving badly)? "[C]ontribute to a civil society and support the enforcement of the rule of law"? Maintenance funding sharing by organizing projects that "offering financial rewards for improvements or fixes"?

Other curious questions:

  • Isn't having a Secretary appointed required?
  • Reading the website, there's a lot of switch between technical (we use Agile!) and social/organizational goals and methods. This makes it hard to see what the focus is.
  • There are a ton of FOSS foundations out there that already provide communities - how can you better explain what DD does that's different, and especially that's exciting to draw in new members? It's clear that DD is much more about social/fiscal advocacy than existing foundations, but asking around for advice and seeing how other 501(c)(3)s work might be useful.
  • As a general comment, the actual bylaws feel pretty complicated. You really only need corporate bylaws for the core board-level governance, and they should normally be as simple as possible. Since you have a self-perpetuating board, you don't need much there. A lot of the aspirational goals or larger discussions (like an EU chapter, advisory board, etc.) should really be just on your website, and written as individual posts with detailed focus.

And for the nonprofit data geeks out their, DD's EIN is 92-2446612.

The point of a respectable open core project is that the core is truly open.

  1. First, can I download and use just the core easily and solely under an open/free license?
  2. Second, does the core actually do something useful and complete on it's own? Can I configure it (because your fancy wizard configurator is a paid feature) on my own, and then push the button to make a complete widget?

The above two points are table stakes for an honest open core project. If I try the above, and then later figure out that I can't actually get complete widgets built without some other license/payment, then... you're just open washing, not actually open core.

  1. Third, do you regularly accept contributions to the product from outside your company? I.e. will you actually let some community build up and start adding new features/fixing bugs? (see the SSO/Plane cautionary story).

Actually trying to build a community is a separate question, and one that gets a lot tricker.

Good luck, in any case!

The LF is not based on donations, it's based on sponsorships. They are a 501(c)(6) organization, which means they're non-profit, but donations/sponsorships are not tax deductible. Their purpose is to serve the companies that sponsor them, not the general public good.

More importantly, the LF has perfected the model of spinning up new "sub-foundations", finding a half-dozen $BigCos to sponsor board seats, and then the LF provides some services to that foundation. So when you're talking about the LF, you're really talking about their 200+ divisions, including CNCF, OpenSSF, Hyperledger, and many many more.

The good thing is they do open source projects, so the output is licensed cleanly. But the sponsors buying board seats and providing the contributors to do the work set project direction for each foundation.

And yes, you're correct: events are also a big part of the services the LF provides to many of it's foundations.

Like a ton of other people have mentioned: find a spot on the Cambridge side of the river. Check out satellite view on maps ahead of time to see where trees are, boat clubs/docks (which are private), etc. You'll be able to walk up and down river to pick a spot that balances a good view of the fireworks barges vs. your crowd comfort level. Plus much easier to get out of the way afterwards from Cambridge side. Note: T service runs late & extra trains, but will be PACKED near the end of the fireworks.

Also: They setup sound towers along the Cambridge side to broadcast the concert & fireworks music; most spaces along Memorial Drive have good sound, but sometimes you end up between two out-of-sync speakers because of their locations (if you care about music).

Thanks for your service, glad you get to see some dreams come true! U.S.S. Constitution is truly a magical ship (and also: a small one, watch your head).

Raised Myself :snoo_disapproval:

One of many cringe-y sayings I remember from childhood (for guys): "Left is right and right is wrong!"

Raised Myself :snoo_disapproval:

"never-ending existential crisis I’ve been having since hitting my mid fifties"?

You're lucky, my never-ending existential crisis started when I was born.

Plus: like, half the world still hasn't gotten over COVID in terms of really feeling comfortable in large crowds - at least not to truly socialize. I still find it hit or miss if chatting with a group really works or not.

The first rule of open source club: post a link to your homepage / repo / whatever. Don't just ask for DMs.

I would love to see more non-profits really helping to coordinate non-coding work across independent FOSS projects. There are some design contributors out there; it's just hard to do the matchmaking and linking between willing volunteers and well-governed open source communities that need the help.

Also, if you have simple suggestions for my FOSS Foundation listings, let me know!

Marketing and publicity - helping community-based projects better showcase themselves, either by helping with their README or website (even just with messaging, not code), or by making connections or suggestions around social media, other places to promote their project.

Getting the word out is one of the biggest unsolved issues for most FOSS projects, especially smaller ones. Any ways you can help a community better explain themselves, and suggest ways they can make their website/code/whatever more professional looking is almost always going to be appreciated.

Also, for general "getting started":

Start with some of the i18n communities out there, and ask around. The key thing is to find projects that already have some sort of translation framework enabled, so you can just do the in-language writing. Also, finding projects that are friendly to newcomers. Good luck!

What an evil, evil question, making us imagine such horrible things!

OK, I'll play.

First 'day' in TLOU 3's season is two storylines: Ellie and Abby's journey a week after TLOU 2. While still physically and mentally wounded, we can see they're each just trying to live for a while in this f'd up world, each in different ways, starting to get into separate communities.

Second 'day' is very simple, very POV, little dialog. Abby, and then Ellie, are each on a recon/supply mission, and end up getting surprised by some infected, and are each killed horribly (just like a player death scene in the game).

Credits for the season (which is only 1 and a quarter episodes) roll.

Visible from the lake (i.e. boaters), or visible from anywhere nearby (i.e. other people walking the path)?

I ask since I'm researching nice fake rocks to hide equipment, and DekoRRa makes some pretty nice rocks. If you only need to protect from boaters on the lake, you might be able to get solar panels on the back side of a rock, etc.

Raised Myself :snoo_disapproval:

Maybe they were just reading the forehead post here and really meant to say Richard Simmons, which would be a legit answer? 

Raised Myself :snoo_disapproval:

Exactly! Just like American Ninja Warrior or Wipeout or one of those game shows.

Except no safety equipment, it's all hot dirty asphalt and sharp edged metal frames in tshirt & shorts and those really old and comfy but nearly worn out and slippery Converse you loved. Leaving behind bloodstains larger than a drop is a time demerit.

A case of Green Chartreuse, so you know you won't run out even during shortages.

Well, that's what I'd want as an extra to my bar. Besides a glass rinser & sink, but definitely understand not wanting hassle/expense of adding plumbing.

The other reason to have a sink: someplace to put dirty glasses, spent lemons/limes, and other small bits that you might not want to walk over to the trash since you're enjoying serving those cocktails to guests at the moment. Our bar sink is nice and deep, so when we start with Last Words, I drop the limes in there and just pour and enjoy with my guests.

Hmmm. I'm now wondering if I want some sort of mini built-in trash can for this stuff.

There are surprisingly few rinsers in/with sinks, I looked. But there are plenty of countertop bar supplies ones with a short (or long) length of trough and glass drying grating. They do almost all seem to require two holes for plumbing, though. I'm in the market for one right now (we are putting plumbing in for the new bar).
Also plenty of little round ones that sit on the edge of your sink, use the soap dispenser hole for water, and then just have a lip to drain into the sink. They always feel like they're going to end up splashing more, somehow, to me.

Raised Myself :snoo_disapproval:


Came here to say this. I mean, this is the GenX reddit, even if it's the subtly wrong forehead I'd expect more Buckaroo themed guesses!

Two key rules about finding an open source project to try joining:

  • Pick projects that you might actually use in real life somehow, or that you are otherwise truly interested in learning how the code works. Having some real use case, or some personal connection or desire really helps with motivation and understanding.
  • Pick projects that seem friendly. Do they have a contributing guide, and is it easy to follow? Does their README or other developer-focused doc sound friendly? And, as you've noticed, do they have good first issues or help needed markers?
  • Don't pick up issues that are really old: they may have been fixed somehow, or the software architecture may have been changed since the issue was open and no-one bothered to update the issue. For example, they might have introduced an off-by-one error since the issue was raised!


Sure, for audio streams I get that, but for speaker control? Heck we had amp-selectable multiple pairs of speakers back when with hardware controls! And with software controls, it would have been super-easy for Sonos to have one Amp decide which set(s) of speakers to run, giving you at least some control.

There's not really much new here, other than some very nice PR by Vendure on their license change. One presumes it's for the best of their company and community overall, even though it likely means they'll lose some future contributors (i.e. places that won't use copyleft).

One section is... well, not quite misleading, but certainly oddly phrased:

Scenario 4: Building stand-alone Vendure plugins

You are building Vendure plugins which you then plan to distribute to others, e.g. via a package registry like npm, and possibly charge for use.

In this scenario you are conveying a covered work and you would need to release the plugin under the GPL license, and thus make the source available to those to whom you distribute the plugin. Again note: this does not mean you necessarily need to make the source available to everyone. Only to those who receive the plugin package.

While you might think you only need to distribute source to people (or customers) that you're directly selling/giving the product to, in reality you'll need to provide source for anyone who gets the code, either from you directly or indirectly; from the GPL FAQs:

My friend got a GPL-covered binary with an offer to supply source, and made a copy for me. Can I use the offer myself to obtain the source? (#RedistributedBinariesGetSource)

Yes, you can. The offer must be open to everyone who has a copy of the binary that it accompanies. This is why the GPL says your friend must give you a copy of the offer along with a copy of the binary—so you can take advantage of it.

Look for projects that you're actually interested in using the software, or at least curious to learn. It's always helpful to have actual interest in what you're doing. Also: look for projects that appear to be friendly to newcomers - communities vary widely in how much they help (or not) new contributors.

Also, read this:

A different kind of Sonos complaint for today 8-)

Figured everyone would appreciate a different kind of complaint these days. My old school Sonos S1 app/bridge system is still working just fine, but I wanted to upgrade, so just got delivered two in-wall Architectural pairs, plus an outdoor pair, plus an Amp to finally join the modern world. I'm not looking forward to the install, given all the complaints about modern Sonos software from y'all...

But I have a different kind "new user" complaint.

Is it just me, or was anyone else surprised when they unpacked their new Amp and realized: it can only ever stream to one line of hardwired speakers, and nothing else?

The Amp talks about how it could power several pairs of Architectural speakers - so I was figuring I could have it play either the indoor pair, or the outdoor pair, or both pairs together and still have enough power. But no: there's only a single output audio stream, ever! It should be pretty simple design-wise to at least have two sets of output pairs, which would allow some software control over different speakers (even if only a single audio stream). But... no.

Yes, I realize now while the Amp can power several pairs, the FAQ section does say it only ever does one set of wires and one audio stream. But that's really not obvious from the rest of the marketing literature.

Sadly, I've already got wires strung, otherwise I'd consider returning a bunch of stuff and going for the regular speakers instead. But I guess I'm stuck with shelling out another $700 (well, really $1400 since I wanted three separate zones) for more amps.


I don't know why I'm surprised to see such deep open source drama here in /Ubiquiti, but probably because I haven't actually started integrating stuff yet, although I've started starring all sorts of repos for future work when I do.

Definitely sad to see such poor behavior - deleting widely-used repos is *never* a polite thing to do. Changing licenses - it all depends on what expectations you've set in the past, but it's certainly within the right of any copyright owner for a repo. That's also why forking is just fine - as long as you only fork the code, not the brand/product name/reputation. And forking is definitely a good idea if someone's switched to a non-open source license like BUSL - while it seems like a good idea to some who are trying to "pay the maintainer" (i.e. themselves), that's a non-starter for most outside contributors, meaning smaller projects switching to BUSL have a really hard time not dying out unless they really build up a business themselves.

In any case, I hope people can find each other to build some helpful communities to fix this stuff, because it really seems like there are plenty of passionate geeks around both HA and Ubiquiti, and it should be easier to make this stuff work, at least well enough for "as-is, no warranty" kinds of uses.

Reminder to self: check back on this thread in 9 months when I should have contribution time to spare.

Where is the games section of the Unifi app store, anyway? If you could build a data setting for physical relative location in a rack for each unit, you could have a bouncy ball go all the way up, up, up... up, then back down... down, down, down across all the units!