I don't know what's more bleak to me, the cult itself, or people posting stuff like this thinking it will get through to them.


You can't change the rules just because you don't like how I'm doing it.

All these people at Starbucks trying to unionize should be calling them not the teamsters.

All these people at Starbucks trying to unionize should be calling them, not the teamsters.

You probably haven't accumulated nearly the amount of stress on your knees as a professional athlete. I think a certain percentage of freak injuries are just repetitive fatigue injuries disguising themselves as freak occurrences.

Absolutely not; the biggest hits are always the ones you don't see coming. You blindside this motherfucker with everything the Labor Board, Health Department, OSHA, Fire Department/Inspector, the LCB, and your lawyer have to offer, hopefully all at once.

Enjoy your five figure check in a few months.

I mean it's May, if you know about it now, that sort of takes away the "surprise," element doesn't it?

Landed Gentry

There is definitely somewhere in the world this dish is perfect for. Personally it is a bit on the contrived side and if you're going to be that contrived you should be paying attention to the rule of odd numbers. You should have 5 or 7 slices of brulee'd nanner, not 6. Literally cover your 6th banana slice in the picture with your hand and your plate instantly looks better. The spacing on your dots is fairly inconsistent as well as the size of your dots on the left side of the picture. These things matter if you're going to plate something in this fashion, which is a huge part of why the industry has mostly moved away from this style of plating.

Overall I think it's a really elegant presentation that needs to refine the details a little.


I think the most likely outcome for starters is;

Slay, Maddox, Mitchell

DeJean will take over at nickel by game 7 at the very latest when Maddox inevitably has a soft tissue or ligament injury and starts for the rest of the year.

Interested to see what happens with Rodgers and Ringo.

I've seen them be great before, but that doesn't make the fact that Max pretty much blew the ATL performance any less true. The band was great but Max literally vaped every 50-90 seconds for the entire show, didn't sing entire chunks of songs, and when he did sing he couldn't hit high notes or sustain because he was vaping so fucking much. If it came out that the manufacturer of Max's vape had secretly sponsored the tour or paid them a huge amount of money to make the show into a subliminal commercial for their device I would actually be relieved to have some kind of explanation because I left the show wondering how soon it would be before he was 302'd again. He was super sloppy that night. It happens.

Everyone is human and has bad days. Maybe he just needed to practice more; the ATL show was early in the tour, and now he's hit a groove. It's not inconceivable. People are so afraid of accountability they fail to realize how valuable honest feedback for a bad performance is in improving for the next time.

We jettisoned him for not being talented enough and he would easily be the starting PG on our team now.


What's crazy is Diddy is getting put on trial by the feds for all kinds of crazy inhumane truly evil shit and you could still probably argue that he would've been a better owner than Tepper.


Demetrius Bell was great because he really made you appreciate how much better Jason Peters was than him.

What would I be without my baaaaaaaybaaaaaaaaay

Any guy in that stadium besides Tobias Harris could have given you 4 tonight, including the stands.

Bradley Beal got traded without hesitation relative to how long they were shopping Tobias for literally anything. I don't know what else that leaves there to say.

Tobias Harris is so bad at basketball it actually denigrated my ability to enjoy basketball. Literally every player we acquire for the rest of my life I will think, "I hope he doesn't turn out like Tobias Harris." Goodbye, Tobias, I'll never forget you, even though I really, really, really want to.