
How do we do something about this?

You just need to achieve 3 things, and they can be done in any order.

1: Change the entire Australian culture and dream. You aren't getting affordable housing while everyone wants a big house on a big block of land and refuses to compromise.

2: Amend building regulations and zoning laws so that the apartments and townhouses are good-high quality designs that people can raise families in. Also more parks and public transport (So basically just completely re-design all our major cities).

3: Remove all those fucking tax breaks and get the government to build more social housing with the added revenue. Should be easy to convince the voters this is a good idea.

So yeah, simple.

I immediately went to blame Vimeo

Yeah, fast food is generally not a starter job beyond 16. OP, take a drive through an industrial estate and you'll likely come across a business with a big sign out the front saying they're hiring.

Walk in, present well, and drop your resume off. If you can't get those jobs, then it's 100% something you're doing wrong.

Huh? There's tons of room past Beenleigh. The whole corridor to Merrimac could fit another 2 tracks easily. And past that would only need a small amount of land resumption

Except they're building the Coomera Connector instead...


So like living a normal life for a young single person?

Not when she has a full time job, and a part time job.

It's kinda fucked that with 2 incomes, she still can't afford to live comfortably.

The issue is that rent caps only protect people who already have a rental.

If you need to move for whatever reason (Relationship break down, loss of job, etc) then you're out of luck.

We need more supply. Rent caps don't help if there's 50 people looking and only 40 places available.

If we had 60 places available, and 50 people looking. Rents would naturally drop because a place not being rented out doesn't make money. So the prices decrease until the market gets to equilibrium (plenty of people living with roommates right now who would likely move out if it was cheaper)

There's probably a decent amount of tilers for the station fitouts. Chippes, yeah less so.

But advantage of it being government funded would be the amount of apprentices they could bring in.

Sure, I'll just let the 122k workers in the CBD know that one guy hasn't gone there for 2 years, so they don't need to go there either.

Lisa yelling at everyone to shut up while she was trying to explain her thing was comedy gold.

Yeah, it's wild how much money people spend on something that is pretty much guaranteed to go down in value.

Yeah, I voted greens but this is something I disagree with them on (to an extent). At this point we're too far gone to try and fix it with ideal solutions, we just need more housing. As long as the building is structurally sound and well designed, I say fuck it. Let them build.

Then while that's happening, go and fix all the stuff that's actually wrong so the future can be brighter.

We sure do...

I honestly think that level of planning should be removed from the local councils planning powers and go to the state government. NIMBYism is too strong at the local level, and housing is too important to have it be blocked so easily. Because that's how we get the situation we're currently in.

We don't need to "create" tradies out of thin air.

What we need is the government to take the billions of dollars they're spending on infrastructure, and spend it on dense public housing close to the CBD. The amount of tradies working on CRR is huge so once that wraps up, move them to apartment blocks and town houses.

We wouldn't need to build a second M1 if we didn't have people needing to travel so far by car.

Then once the housing supply catches up to demand, we can go back to building new tunnels.


Sex with a long term partner should be fun and funny. They already know you intimately, don't get stressed about it, just enjoy it.

And it's still half the cost of Melbourne's tunnel.

CRR is great value tbh

Time to start building bike racks with HV cabling through them.

The North East corridor has been profitable for ages.

Amtrak just loses money because of all the long distance routes.

🚲 > 🚗

Much better.

And the we need a graphic for how much parking would be needed. Just to really hammer the point home

I'm kinda mad they aren't tbh.

I know that my company would grind to a halt without the steady supply of caffeine.

Brennan is actually shot and just doesn't move.

"anything for 5 points"