Dominion of Fezzan :galactic_empire:
15hLink start here to watch the original OVA or you could watch the remake on crunchy roll

In Tolkien mythos he never firmly stated where orcs came from nor what happens when they die he had multiple conflicting origin stories and eventually just wrote off trying to figure out what happened when they died

Had the SDP attempted that social revolution Germany would have descended into civil war much like Russia, millions would have died, and in the end, as has happened with just about ever other violent revolution a dictator would have taken power

In hindsight, maybe that would have been better, but that's the benefit of hindsight

SDP attempted to form a coalition with the KDP the KDP itself wanted to likewise form a coalition with the SDP along with other leftist parties but moscow refused to allow it until it was too late had moscow allowed them too in the early days of the rise of the nazis they almost certainly would have stop them

The SDP didn't create the conditions for the nazis the great depression and the uniquely fucked nature of german culture of the time produced the nazis

You are probably part of the LDS church, and while that is the main successor after Joseph Smith's church, there were several others, the most controversial probably being the Kingston Mormons who practice polygamy and incest

Franco was weird he fused the carlist parry and the fascist party which made the fascist party more stable but overall less fascist, the less fascist a party is the internally stable it becomes and in Franco case while it survived for a time it still couldn't survive his death

Fascism requires an out group to persecute once it finishes with one it moves to the next, it will inevitably consume itself in a deathspiral or it will pick a fight it cannot win

But a lot of people get hurt in the process hopefully we can present enough resistance to prevent it

SPD rose to end capitalism in Germany and they didn't deliver

SDP never rose to immediately end capitalism they rose to begin the transition to social ownership, which they, in fact, did start with many industries in Germany being nationalized and socialized but it is a slow process that would take decades

See the great famines of the soviet union and China as an example of what happens when you try to end capitalism too fast and disrupt things too much even Marx stated capitalism was a transitional period necessary to achieve communism attempting to skip to the end is begging for disaster

What does Kapp putsch have to do with this?

You stated they only put down workers' uprisings they didn't they put down all uprisings, right-wing, left wing, and center, anyone who threatened the stability of the state was put down

literally took power by force

So too did the American revolutionaries it was still a democracy elections were held

only chose to pacify workers' uprisings

Oh I guess the kapp putsch didn't happen then or dozens of other right wing uprisings that the SDP put down

They were scared of social change that would have left them dead because obviously anyone would be they also suppressed numerous right-wing uprising like the kapp Putsch, which was supported by the monarchists

The SDP's goal was to stabilize Germany and keep it from collapsing into civil war like the Russian revolution did and then work on societal reform but the communists were inpatient they wanted immediate action even though that immediate action would have ultimately resulted like it did in Russia authoritarian genocidal strongman who acts effectively as a new emperor

The social fascism line only came into play around the mid-1920s, after the SPD had actively worked against the KPD for years.

The SDP and communists worked alongside each other initially only breaking when the communists decided to rebel and overthrow the government which happened to be the SDP and additionally the communists in Russia started the executions of social democrats

That's when the SDP stated "working against the KDP"

Funny that the biggest fear of the Social Democrats is that the Communist Party

No i think their biggest fear was a firing squad if the moscow backed kdp got into power

They refused to work with the KPD because the KPD was directed by Moscow which called the SDP the social fascists and had a policy of executing social democrats and Moscow's standing orders were to refuse ant cooperation with the social democrats

Oh gee I wonder why the social democrats might not be thrilled with the idea of the KDP getting into power

The centrists went whichever way a government would form had the SPD and KDP been that way many centrists would have followed but they didn't the conservatives and the nazis were so they followed them

You can support rebels if you so want but don't pretend that they were somehow betrayed by the government and the SPD was in a democracy they had to compromise and give ground on promises it sucks but that's the system

They rose up against the government in rebellion the government happened to be the SPD no government in all history has sat by and do nothing as it's overthrown

The communists tacitly cooperated with the nazis they said "after Hitler our turn" they engaged in accelerationist tactics refused to form a coalition with leftist parties which directly led to the conservative and nazi parties drawing the centrist parties into a coalition

All because they believed that Hitler would destroy the far right through his insanity they were dead wrong

Had the KDP worked with the SPD, they would have been able to form a coalition government, and Hitler would not have risen to power this is a fact that the KDP specifically moscow who was directing them realized too late they attempted to course correct but it failed

The SPD was the government that the communists were trying to overthrow the SPD wasn't the ones who "betrayed" the communists

Marshall Plan, so you did build infrastructure.. buildings, etc.. so you did.

Yes, the Marshall plan where we rebuilt our enemies' countries as an act of reconciliation and friendship to forge them into allies rather than foes

Quite different from seizing their land forcing them into increasingly cramp cities whose infrastructure is failing and denying them access to basic needs like water through military force

Are you saying when American went into Afghanistan and Iraq.

What happened there was a war crime bush, and much of his administration should have been hanged

Israel desperately wants to be like the US where the indigenous population is confined mostly to reservations and the Jewish Israeli liberals can sadly say shit like "oh what happened was terrible but what happened happened what are we to do?" But unfortunately for them, they are in the middle of the process, so they do everything in their power to ignore what's going on and try to skip to the end

The fact that Israel isn't killing them faster isn't the grand defense you think it is. "Come on, guys were killing them slowly what more can you ask for?!"

Oh damn, well maybe they'll do one for his son max