You did work hard and in your mind and maybe a ton of people without this experience would agree it was the right thing. That said the reason 99% of companies have this rule is to stop what happened to you from happening to every other person. There is zero good that can come from it. It is simple a bad look for anyone to say I work here and can’t help you. Had he got mad cause no one was at the register that is for the manager to deal with and can explain the situation or help them themselves. This isn’t a boomer thing it is a lesson everyone should learn and that is cover your ass. Don’t do thing that expose you to discipline

We always think why do companies have rules that seem obvious like don’t hangout on the sales floor when not working. This is why. Because someone went through exactly what you did and made that rule so it didn’t happen again. Yes boomers can be annoying but they are just as bad as their parents were and I’m sure when I get there kids will say that about me when you get there they will say it about you. In turn we will say man these kids never listen and don’t want to work hard. That is the same thing ever generation has said forever. Old people complain too much. Young people don’t work hard. I’m in my 40’s and have seen both sides and like everything else in the universe there are good and bad points to each side

Only way you’ll ever find out is to work hard for a bit so I guess you’ll never know

Ohhh my bad. I didn’t see what you were doing. Now I see your plan is to give shitty service everywhere you work so you can complain your whole life about how you can’t live in minimum wage. Your just waiting for someone to say I know you have shown a complete lack of giving a shit and that’s the attic I’m looking for in my secret company and here is a few million to come not give a shit at my company

You have obviously never been responsible for a stores numbers. When you own a company ever customer is important. When your young you say fuck it it’s not my company or it’s only one customer but if each store loses one customer at each location ever week you are out of business quick. The difference between us is I started on the sales floor and now run a company. It is small with only 3 people but I built it myself. Because it is a small company I have to cherish ever customer not act like I’m doing them a favor by opening my doors

Let me try a different approach. Why do you think most stores have a policy of not approaching customers or the sales floor while not clocked in? The answer is because only bad things can come from it. 1. You help the customer while not clocked in. Now as a manager I have to write you up for work while not on the clock so I don’t get wrote up for not writing you up. 2 You engage with the customer only to say I’m on break and can’t help which is worse than saying anything. Think about it you’re in a store and a person walks up and says hey work here but I’m not going to help you. Why???? What did you do that was helpful besides annoying the customer?

So you started did a work thing while not clocked in and were surprised when someone asked you to work? Again both sides are wrong. If you’re not in uniform you either don’t engage with the customer or you help them. What you did was the equivalent of saying I work here and totally could help you but I’m not going to unless I get paid. Sit down. Keep your mouth shut and bingo no arguing. But then you couldn’t come here and complain so you did the right thing here.

If you take it to court chances are both of you will be evicted. There is no way to know whose stuff it is in the pictures. I’m assuming the landlord can tell the pictures we’re taking inside the house and not random pics off the internet. If that is the case both of you will be gone

Doesn’t the leader of their party walk around with a publicist that’s entire job is to print articles that say nice things about him all day?

Both sides are right. 1. You are right you don’t have to do shit when you’re not clocked in. 2. You should spend the rest of your life fighting to raise minimum wage cause it’s going be your base pay with your attitude. You are 100% right you don’t have to do anything off the clock. Most places won’t let you in front of customers in uniform off the clock to avoid this. You easily could have said the cashier is in the bathroom and will be out in a minute. Saying I’m not clocked in so can’t work is the exact reason companies don’t want you on the floor not clocked in. It is a bad look for the company and usually the employee but it sounds like you go home and get off to up votes of from your horror stories. I’m just thankful you survived this one

That’s not libs pounding on your mom’s basement door. It’s your mom telling you that your too old to live in her basement

That’s a wives tale I think. I took my wife in the woods every time she got her period and left her there. She made it home every time. Even the one when I covered her with picnic baskets. In hindsight I may need to study bear feeding habits more

Makes sense with Scott. They told him he would be back up very soon. This correlates with the London trip so they had more days off. He wouldn’t be used on the trip so better to have the extra body.

If it was a Lakers sub you would also be talking about how D. Mitchell is coming with Luca, Wemby, Michael Jordan and a reanimated Wilt.

Again not really an NBA fans but you guys made even non big basketball fans love watching you play. The effort was always there and you could see them figuring things out before, during and after each game. Hopefully Ant does the opposite of all the big NBA stars recently and stays in the smaller market. Thank you for a wonderful run to them

I’m shocked a cow that young even knows those words. Poor kid just trying to do her job and the cow has to be a jerk. I hope she gets a promotion

Where the fuck is mommy’s catnip???

Took 8 minutes on average to travel to Earth

Even if it gave me that list, I’d just look at it and say meh and order doordash

He was asked after the statement ‘did you just say you are on the worst team in baseball’ he clearly said yes.