I just say I'm not well if I'm asked and I don't care what anyone may or may not think of that. I'm also not shy on elaborating further just how devastating M.E is if they want to pry some more 🤷‍♀️ Most people are too busy with their own stuff to care either way.

I am endlessly seeking Crewel's approval. There is no pleasing that man 😭😭😭 His expressions are SCATHING😆😅

Lol (it's so not funny though😬) the bugs just keep coming with this game smh. Has anyone tallied up all the ongoing bugs?  I know I have at least seven in my game hfdhjdks

Azul is giving incel manosphere 💀💀💀💀

Hi, thanks for the response! I'm not sure what the levels were per say but on almost every blood test I have had, they always come back with raised prolactin levels and more recently I have twice had further tests for suspected hyperprolactinemia.  After that, there never seems to be any real follow up and I just keep going round in an endless loop.  Same thing has been happening with my thyroid for years (it's always borderline) and yet doctors just seem to keep shrugging it off even though it keeps getting flagged up....😅 Not sure where you are, but I'm in the UK and unfortunately this half-assed, non chalance is pretty common on the NHS, it's very, very hard to get anywhere!😬 Please do update, thanks!

Yes, Donald is like the invisible man in my game too, very hard to track down!🤨

Boy, I wish he would-!💀 (Take Gothel too pls🤢)


Hi, I have had M.E 18 years but have had high prolactin levels flagged up several times over the course of this illness. I find this very interesting and hope you are getting all the help and support you need. If you have any updates regarding the prolactinoma, I would definitely be interested in hearing about it if you do a follow up!


Prince himself previously told the story of an ex's Mom who thought one of his other songs was "Pay the rent, Collette" rather than "Little Red Corvette" 🤣

Cruella, Don Karnage, John Worthington Foulfellow (Honest John)🐶🐺🦊

He's only rich cos he's also notoriously stingy...got save those pennies!!😅

Ah this is a lovely outcome of something otherwise bittersweet! I hope you both keep in touch! I can also totally relate to not being able to wear the clothes I like anymore, just gotta stick with loose, baggy, 100% cotton stuff....fun😒

Donald is the anti hero of Disney lol 🦆😈

Hey, if you have an update, I would love to hear about the PEM afterwards and also how charging your chair has been if you don't mind sharing-?😊

I've had quite the appetite this last week and have thus managed to eat a meal every day! A rare and pretty significant victory for me! (It's usually too painful/debilitating to eat regularly) 😃

Well said! Hard agree on the internalised abelism (unfortunately) for me it is largely due to having so many people in the past convince me that I can just think my way out of it and push on like they do when they are "a bit tired"🙄...lol nope🫠


The takeaway here is that M.E patients (and most chronically ill people) are not focusing too much on their symptoms, regardless of whether they track things or not. Personally (and I know this applies to most here) every day is about survival. You do what you can. Some days, despite your best efforts, you can't even try!  Illness does not discriminate in how it treats you and affects your body, the reason the saying goes "your health is your wealth" is because healthy people can just get up and go, without even trying. When your body is sick, sometimes all that effort isn't even enough to get you sitting upright that day. This is not a mind over matter topic, unfortunately, though, many M.E patients keep getting told (or having it strongly implied) that it is.  Pushing that train of thought only makes the condition worse.

I am also in the UK. M.E for 18 years. When I first got ill, I was provided hydrotherapy on the NHS and advised to gradually return to school and my daily routine. Unfortunately, this was not realistic or feasible and led to my health further declining and my base line lowering some more. Personally, osteopathy was what got me upright and moving again but it took many years and I never got my school/social life back. I was a child when I got M.E so I do feel there was a slightly more concerted effort on the part of doctor's I was seeing because we live in a society that sees a young person being sick as the absolute worst thing. I was encouraged to keep a diary of day to day symptoms and report this back to my pediatrician (though it was my mother making the notes mostly as I was just too ill).  In a nutshell the help for M.E is non existent and most doctors either have not heard of it or will just deny/downplay or gaslight you about your situation.  I will say again that my being a child when I became ill did offer slightly more help and just trying to figure things out on the part of doctors but it was very short lived and as I went from child to adolescent the attitude from all parties (family as well as doctors) became "Oh well you should have grown out of this by now", "Oh it's probably just a teenage rebellion". Nobody understood and that has remained the same, it is a very isolating illness to have to live with and I'm sorry to say usually does lead to quite significant mental health issues down the line as you continue to struggle alone while everyone around you keeps insisting that white is black and black is white, up is down 2+2=6 etc.  Nobody listens or understands.  I would not wish it on anyone it is a gargantuan battle.

Heartslabyul - Ace, he is so adorable and funny and a very loveable little sh*t! 🙃 I just think he's hilarious and a very well done character (in both personality & design) I also like some of the Ace theories and how he connects with Alice in Wonderland/Heartslabyul in general.

Savanaclaw - Love all three boys a lot but I was a fully blown Scar simp before playing twst so quite frankly, even though they are not exactly the same, Leona can do no wrong in my eyes!!🥰

Octavinelle - Azul & I can't even necessarily explain why🤔😅 I just like the guy and do appreciate the elements of his character that relate to Ursula. I am a huge Jamil fan so I should not say this buuut I do like how Azul constantly bugs (flirts with😳) Jamil.😆

Scarabia: Jamil cos I loved Jafar before twst but also appreciate Jamil's overall character as an individual. I think his dynamic with Kalim and all the tension that stems from it has been done very well (though as a Jamil stan, I find it very hard to tolerate Kalim😬).

Pomefiore: Epel! I adore this lil country bumpkin, he deserves the world, goshdarnit!!🤠 May he kick many an ass!💪 His bromance with Deuce is also wholesome asf!

Ignihyde: Ortho, precious, helpful sunshine boy. I'd say protect at all costs but he has laser beams sooo.....pew pew I guess🔫

Diasomnia: I like them all but find Silver absolutely adorable, he is just such a sweet, sleepy boy and possibly keeps dozing off to take a break from dealing with his crazy father and his loud croc bro😅

All the time, constantly, 24/7.  It is far and away the worst thing and I know I could push on and endure a lot more without it (even while struggling with PEM) it is horrible.

Anything from the album  The Holy Bible (Manic Street Preachers)