Candy and change in old beat up oversized cargo shorts

The after pic is better guys are lying.. Slim you is best you.

If there's one thing I've learned, is that there is no point arguing with stupid..

You've also proven that you're not smart. You can link any article you want. But the demographic future is on the wall. By the end of this century we'll be living in a different country.

If you think there isn't a replacement going on in the western first world then you really are clueless.

You people have no nuance do you? You are competely innoculated in the cultural zeigeist of the day. Please leave the room as the adults have an actual discussion.  

I think 79% white is diverse. I lived in a medium sized unknown city in the country side in Korea 20 years ago. Korea is the most homogenous country inn the world. At least at that time. I wasn't seeing a white person there one in five.    

Ive heard it takes only 5% of the population to be an ethnic group to impact the majority. Small minorities lord over majorities in many countries around the world.

 Think about the feet on the street of that 79% white. You don't see many of them because they're more advanced in age. Minorities are younger on average and more visible. To note across America whites are a minority in the 10 and under age group. Probably even higher. 

Whites (Europeans) have so much good going for them. So much creativity, cooperation, industriousness, chairty, working for greater good, tolerance and just an overall good nature. 

 I'm not positive for the future of America and most first world western countries. Shoot me but I can see the patterns and the writing on the wall.

I enjoy the river place shops. There's a nice crepe shop, a hobby store some kitschy house items, Cherry republic. Between the chicken dinner, a stroll on the river, fudge and Bronners, you have a nice day out. We had a beautiful day before last Christmas. We stopped at the cleanest and most pleasant McDonalds just out of Frankenmuth to nurse our newborn. Great day!

Calories are not equal. Why don't you try the cola and chips diet and see how satiated you feel

Good luck. You're attractive in the first photo so I hope you can make it.

I'm trying the carnivore diet. You don't need to to restrict your eating and your options are limited. You can eat as much as you want. The weight should fall off

This was the sickest burn I've read all week.

God I can't stand people playing music in public like this. I've seen it one time in Costco

I split half a slice of pizza with my toddler when we go because I don't like the calories. I even feel guilty about that. We're thin though, so there's that...

There's memes of pitbulls replacing you those who we must not critique or notice patterns with in pictures. It's pretty funny.

Or another way to put it. If they look at the work through ride colored glasses ( or pretend to )

My second date was here bout 7 years ago. Been married bout 4 now.

They hijacked the Karen meme and made it about muh racism. Karen was all about talking to the manager and getting puffed at kids skateboarding. rACiSm iS eVErYwhere!!

He's thin unlike most I see in Costco. Does have self control!

I know the spot you mean