I mean, not surprised coming from someone named FUMoney2030

:Trash3: Trash III

People that are bump heavy tend to overdue it, which leads to them losing. But just the right amount, can definitely win a game.

Yeah no shit. lmao. I was expecting a bit weird, but it was a off the wall completely lol.

OP, you need to seek help beyond the internet. Asking your primary care for a referral to a psychiatrist is a good start.

It’s okay. I’m here for it.

God damn people are fucking weird. It’s great.

Just get Umbrella insurance. Covers your ass for things like this where homeowners insurance either won’t cover or isn’t enough lol

I was about that old when I learned. It didn’t really affect me much, I also learned because I asked lol

Definitely. The carp in my area you kill it after catching because they're invasive. But god damn, they put up one hell of a good fight.

LMAO. Sometimes you gotta learn the hard way.

This honestly just makes me think of my dad telling me when I was a kid, "Trust your gut,. If something seems wrong, it probably is. Regardless if other people are doing it."

Yep. But still a great thing to instill into younger generations. Because you never know.

I watched the video muted. As I do just about all videos on reddit. Strictly due to the frequency stupid music is added.

:Trash3: Trash III

Yeah it’s not even bad. Lol. It’s basically like slide is on all the time and it’s a bit slippery.

Honestly, I think the show may have done better if Mackie wasn't cast for The Falcon. A lot of people aren't a fan of his acting, myself included.

As others have mentioned, there is nothing wrong with this at all and completely normal.

Where it becomes an actually problem is when it's happening all the time. Doing it every so often is 100% okay and honestly is needed to just have that break.

:Trash3: Trash III

Yeah no shit. In my book this is a close one, even if it's open net. lmao

Yeah same. Parents mean well, but sometimes they just don’t know wtf they’re talkin about. Lol.