Playing to the uneducated far right religious zealots.

Seniors are my preference. I love old dogs❤️

I wore a pixie cut for several years and loved it. Contrary to what most people think, they’re much more work than long hair. They require constant trims and you will wake up every morning looking like you just put your finger in a socket. No skipping a shampoo and going with a ponytail. I now have shoulder length hair and it’s so much easier. I’d think long and hard about giving up long hair.

She’s so beautiful and such a good mama❤️

My late sister-in-law spent a week in the hospital with leg pain. She was told it was “nerves” and “probably menopause related.” It was a blood clot that eventually moved to her heart and resulted in her death at 53.

Yea, it definitely is a cult! I despise Donald Trump, Michael Flynn, and all the other wing nuts who have benefited from this scam.

Sadly, I don’t know anyone who has left the Q cult. I finally gave up on my highly educated, intelligent sister. It’s impossible to even have a normal conversation with her anymore. It’s a grime the way these con artist prey on lonely, frightened people. She used to be so suspicious of everyone and would frequently give me a hard time about giving money to homeless people. She was convinced everyone was running a scam but she fell for the biggest scam ever.

I’m so sorry, I hope she turns up soon. What you described certainly sounds like schizophrenia. It’s sad that a country like ours has so few resources for people with mental illness. Do you know for sure she left Louisville? You may want to contact law enforcement there to see if they can be of any help. Perhaps contact the media in the KY, IL, MO area with her photo and/or photo of her car. Someone may have seen her checking out of her hotel, getting gas, etc. I pray she is found safe today.

I also lost a family member to Q several years ago. My advice to you is to file for divorce immediately. Ask that your lawyer to get an injunction to stop him from moving and disposing of marital assets. He will never change and will most likely continue to go deeper down the rabbit hole. If you stay, you risk your financial security and possibly your sanity. Q followers are obsessed with the idea of Psy Ops and at some point you will begin to question what’s real. The effects of lies and disinformation online are dangerous and far reaching. Save yourself before it’s too late.