The production probably had a ton of those rocks delivered, so why not use a few for the coffin? Budget win.

Yes I’m sure a random Reddit poster has better ideas than the engineers at space x actively working on the project.

Songs for the Deaf :Songs_for_the_Deaf_2:

Six Shooter. Black box me, do it.

If you go a day or two before you can go to surf beach and see it well with binoculars. The launch site isn’t even on the main base, so even if access to that you aren’t anywhere near it. They have a booster in front of space x hq in Hawthorne that’s right on the corner. Can’t get in the gate but it’s easily viewable from the sidewalk.

Songs for the Deaf :Songs_for_the_Deaf_2:

1994 was such a great year for rock music. Imagine being 16 like I was and all this hits: Soundgarden-Superunknown, Green Day-Dookie, Weezer-Blue Album, NIN-Downward Spiral, Oasis-Definitely Maybe, Grace-Jeff Buckley, Blur-Parklife, Hole-Live Through This, Beastie Boys-Ill Communication, Beck-Mellow Gold, Bad Religion-Stranger Than Fiction, Offspring-Smash, Korn-S/T, Alice In Chains-Jar of Flies, Nirvana-Unplugged, Rancid-Let’s Go, STP-Purple, etc.

Yeah there will be a roadblock set up at the road that goes to the Vandenberg gate on that side of base off of Ocean Ave., 13th St. I believe.

Jalama is just closed due to being too close to the path of launch in case of explosion, nothing to do with a payload being a spy satellite. Ocean Ave is a better spot than Hawk’s nest. They are public roads so it’s easy to park anywhere around Lompoc to view the launch.

Yeah Star Wars was only a cultural touchstone and took over the world when it came out, changed the landscape forever. No biggie.

Almost 10 years post double lung transplant and wouldn’t wish the decline I went through prior or recovery after on anyone. If this can help replace damaged tissue in the lungs of people with cystic fibrosis, etc. it would be amazing.


Daft Punk. Just kidding I was there on the rail and it was epic.

Go to New York and even some of the biggest celebrities in the world take the subway like an Everyman.

Track list from the NIN album Ghosts V that was used in the episode. Would have to watch again to recall which ones were used, but as a whole so apropos to the theme:

Letting Go While Holding On, Together, Out In The Open, With Faith, Apart, Your Touch, Hope We Can Again, Still Right Here

There are no heavy launches here yet, just the single booster for now. But it’s amazing to see in person. The livestreams don’t capture the angle that it comes back in at, only going vertical in the last few seconds before landing. You see this little thing falling from the sky, like a Hail Mary pass coming down from the heavens. Unfortunately there’s a large hill between Ocean Ave. and the pad so you don’t get to see the landing burn etc…but a few seconds later you will jump out of your skin when the sonic booms hit. Even here 20 miles away and knowing it’s coming gets me every time. 5-7 miles away from the pad over there it’s even wilder. Not to mention the sounds of launch from that close. It’s always epic. I keep track of launches with the next Spaceflight app, shows which ones are planned for return to base. Also updated nearly immediately when there are any changes to schedule. Don’t see any upcoming launches coming back on there at this point.

Going to space will be nothing more than what going on vacation is for people today in far less than a thousand years. It will just be something humans do for fun.

Sunset launches are always cooler than day time. A bit too early for the cool post sunset atmospheric events we’ve gotten the last 2 launches, but you get to see it much longer than a daytime launch. Just keep an eye on weather, clouds and fog are a regular occurrence at Vandy. Lucky to live about 20 miles away and skies are usually clear here at least. Friday traffic is also a mess coming up the coast due to construction between Ventura and Santa Barbara so best to plan a full day to get up here. Always gotta be prepared for a scrub as well.

Millennia?! You really think rockets will be special in a thousand years haha? They will be obsolete and in museums long before then.

Live in the Santa Ynez valley about 20 miles from Vandenberg. When Falcon was only launching a few times a year I’d drive over for every one if I was in town. Now that it’s weekly I’ve been perfectly content watching from my backyard that perfectly faces the direction of the base. Still never boring, especially with the last 2 being just after sunset with the cool atmospheric events.

They leased and are refurbishing the old space shuttle/ULA pad, so should be ready for heavy in the next year or two.

Believe he answered this earlier. The box comes into existence when the door is opened based on the thoughts/emotions going through the persons mind.


When editing the final scene with the basement box did you ever just sit back and imagine it turning into a Mr. Smith/Matrix style battle for shits and giggles? Or some Mad Max…”76 Jason’s enter, 1 Jason leaves”.

Also, ever read the Midnight Library by Matt Haig? Loved its concept of life slipping away and getting to go in and explore all the different realities one lived based on choices made throughout their life.