I don't trust like that.

[Jing Lore - Kujata]

I absolutely adore it. I always have it open on my second monitor. Thanks for your service. <3

[Jing Lore - Kujata]

Yeah this is the one. Sucks to hear. This really helped me. I'm only on Shb though so okay for now I guess.

Excel cheat sheet link request.[Question]

Hi everyone, I just started back after a long break and I can't seem to find that public excel sheet I used to use with notes on mechanics and tips for each raid and dungeon etc. if anyone has the link to the latest one on hand I would appreciate it greatly! ❤️


"developed by EA and Elon Musk.".

A few moments later.

"Developed by Q and Steve Jobs."

Would super appreciate a working link <3

DM me the link too if you got it please

I just can't get a straight answer about the levels and requirements for the event.Question

Okay so, I've even asked ChatGPT and keep in mind I don't have friends that play. I'm just looking to have a good time.

Can anyone just please tell me. Is there anything I can do in this current Halloween event without killing the boss? Is the ONLY way to get the tokens through killing the boss? That's literally all I want to know. Asked in game so many times and people tell me all sorts of different thing. "oh get treat baskets." I can't without a costume and I can't get a costume without tokens?

this is driving me insane lmao!

Can't start Halloween quest.Question

Can anyone tell me what possible reasons there could be for this? Salvatore doesn't give me any quest and all guides tell me to do this??

For real though. Punch Drunk Love, Uncut Gems. Every now and then he comes out and fucking smashes it and then goes back to hanging out with his mates. Also his Netflix standup special thing was so good.

A lot only got towels but yeah the shirts were sold out soooo fast.

Just had a light lunch. Will have some drinks and then eat after the show! Can't imagine being full during a concert like this haha

Yeah the official time is 7pm. I'll probably be there from 2pm though haha

Fuck I hate the trend of music in videos. Just needed to rant.