Tbh so am I. I trusted a source and passed the info along, but after there was doubt cast on it I tried to get concrete confirmation, but so far I haven’t found it at all. So my apologies for that, I’ll know not to trust that source next time. Thankfully I wasn’t awarded a point yet, and I’ve deleted the comment to prevent that happening.

Tbh I’m not lying. I trusted a source and passed it along, although I’ve been trying to find the scene myself and not had much luck. Thinking I may not be able to trust that source.

I have a feeling it isn’t from porn as it looks like the woman in the bath is actually wearing some sort of ‘top’ as you can see the colour of it is different to her arms (look near her shoulder where it isn’t ’wet’ from the liquid).

:honorguard: Honor Guard

Genuinely like who gives a shit about renting a discord crown. Reminds me of PUBGM and their ‘7 day’ cosmetic items, like fuck off with that shit I don’t want it.

:constructor: Constructor

Not to be a downer here but I’d like to experience this game with an ounce of the attention given to the BR mode. The potential of this game is so high, but it was shunned of any real chance to evolve into what it should’ve been.

Kanye thinks Eminem is a goat, so I don’t particularly care about some random Kanye subreddit opinion (or most opinions for that matter).

The long and short of it is, boomers refused to learn how to use it. I’ve used it every day and have no problems controlling it. So either I’m a once in a generation prodigy, or people didn’t like it so they stopped using the touch input almost immediately.

Yes, agree to disagree.

Also the ergonomics of the current remote are absolutely abysmal. It’s sharp and heavy and not at all comfortable in the hand.

Whether or not you like the touch input, the touch input on the new remote is garbage. It’s not a matter of opinion, that’s a fact.

I’m not sure if you’re aware but the touch sensitivity is entirely adjustable which would probably eliminate that issue for you. I use YouTube very frequently on the Apple TV and have no issues with it being too sensitive.

I’ll die on this hill, but anyone I personally know who has used it has liked it. Problem is people weren’t willing to lean into the touch input.

Once you get used to it, it’s super fluid and intuitive. I know I’ll probably get downvoted for voicing my opinion, but it’s true.

I used the newest remote for several months. Then I switched to the old remote just to see the difference, and I haven’t looked back. The silver Siri Remote is collecting dust in the box. I’ll never use one again.

I’m biased but I suggest getting a black Siri Remote. The touch input on the current model is an afterthought at best.

I mean, we knew it wasn’t going to be a best seller considering the very narrow compatibility list.

They also stopped adding the depth effect to movie and TV show icons, it’s a small thing but it’s sad.

I’m also curious, probably depends on the storage

Such an utter, utter pile of garbage game.


I also found a 20oz mug that says “I like big mugs and I cannot lie” which i thought was funny

It’s the number one reason I switched to Apollo from the default app, so I’m sure a lot of people would appreciate that for sure

Does this app have the ‘true’ blocking features? In Apollo if you blocked someone, it also blocks their comments completely. As in they wouldn’t be visible at all as opposed to the default reddit app which shows ‘blocked comment’ every time you come across someone you blocked commenting.

It’s depressing. Get the Blu-ray boxset. It’s absolutely the best way to watch them all, uncensored.

If they breach our privacy, I wouldn’t want to use it either. I’m just not going to assume it’s going to do that. I’ll wait until it’s theoretical release and look it up myself rather than assuming.