Watched this movie blind with no expectations. At the end I was blown away. I forgot, was this a Netflix exclusive?

Damn yea I didn’t take into account for multiple times to redeem with the cost scaling up. But someone also pointed out we can get tokens through challenges, and today I got 500 from pass Royale.

So do you skip book and evo shard? Or you acquire extra purple tokens to afford them?

After redeeming 1 Evo zap shard 1/1 I don’t believe we can redeem more? Unless it’s like the troop basic cards that replenish the 5/5 and get another set of 5 after redeeming.

So you’re saying you are able to buy multiple evo Zap cards with the 30k tokens you earn? At least 5?

If youre referring to the break down when you pick evo zap shard, how I got 30k is the total cost with all the cards mentioned (book, evo shard, evo zap, archer & sparky). Not just 1 evo zap shard

Lmao the Seth Rogan comedy? What don’t you like about it, the quality of the 4K or plot? 😂

Oh dang, nice break down. Thanks for this! I just did the break down for daily cap playing classic 1v1 & 2v2 & Game Events maxing out at 1000 purple tokens a day. I forgot to consider challenges.

Def gonna save your break down for future reference, appreciate it!

I agree, it all depends on what people have for their decks. Depends where people place their value.

To some people the evos in the shop is worth it regardless. But also remember within the last 3 seasons we were given evo RG & evo Mortar. I am pretty sure SC will hand out more evos as they roll out new ones.

Basically comes down to choosing 1 evo card vs 250 rare or 1000 common cards. Or do both, although paying for an opportunity cost for something else. But sadly as f2p and using no gems we can’t buy the whole shop lol. Cheers 🍻

What’s the order of Value (minus the troop cards) is evo Zap worth working towards? Or is it better to maximize purple tokens on something else

Edit: Analyzed the math myself after sparking my interest. If you’re interested, I broke down how much purple tokens one will end up with at the end of the season prioritizing Evo Shard, Book, Archer & Sparky(combined) + picking up or opting out evo zap.

TLDR; Book + Evo shard + evo zap + Legendaries (Archer & Sparky) for f2p spending no gems - will leave you with 5k or 5 days left to spend on something else vs. 10k or 10 days at end of season.

If we don’t use gems and play only the 1000 purple tokens daily after collecting every day, at a starting point of 35 days (season duration) gives us a total balance of 35,000 spending allowance for the whole season.

1000 tokens = 1 day basically

(Breakdown math if you choose to SKIP evo zap) Evo Shard = 6k = 6 days Book = 10k = 10 days

Legendary cards Archer(4.5) + Sparky(4.5)= 9k = 9 days

Total so far 25k = 25 days

35k(total allowance)-25k=10k At this point we’re left with 10k or 10 days to grab the rest.

****side note: Out of the 5 troop cards which start at 500 purple tokens then bumps up to 1000 for another 5 opportunities to grab, cost 7.5k or 7-8 days total if you wish to max out 1 like the mini pekka

(Breakdown math If you PICK evo zap)

evo shard + book + evo zap (costs 5k) = 21k or 21 days

Archer + Sparky = 9k or 9 days

brings the total to 30k

leaving us only with 5k or 5 days left to maximize other basic cards.

After thinking about it more after my initial comment. I don’t really play zap nor do I foresee supercell putting in more evo zap shards into the shop again and again. I have the evo barbs from Valentine’s Day that are stuck at 3 evos shards shy of 3 to evolve and havent seen an opportunity from SC to get more evo barbs since then. Therefore, I’d sacrifice evo zap to not miss out on the opportunity cost acquiring 2 full basic troops vs 1 full from the shop.

Lastly, I did this breakdown including sparky and archer cause imo I rarely come across legendaries in the loot. Hopefully reading this was as helpful to you as it was to me in making a game plan for what to redeem this season.

Best of luck see y’all on the battlefield. Cheers 🙌🏼 Heeheeheehaw

Nice, yea I was mainly addressing the douche saying to “get rid of the Disney trash”.

But anyways, cheers to your future in collecting 4Ks!


Lool exactly my first thought too 😂

Is it a nation wide theater release tho? Cause dang I wanna see this on a big screen

Nice! Congrats man, love the enthusiasm 👍🏼

What’s that Midsommar & Everything (etc) case? They’re fairly bigger than the rest of the cases, are they books?

Bro, buy what YOU like. Don’t let a random redditor persuade you into what to buy and dictate your tastes. Your collection is cool, it makes yours unique. The same way everyone else’s collection is uniquely theirs.

This is the way…

Does Sony x800m2 have Dolby Vision/Atmos capabilities?

I misinterpreted the Mac Rumors article but they’re right initially in correcting your statement. You initially said APP1 are 6A321.

“That’s for APP2. For APP1 is 6A321 per the Apple support page”

APP1s are now updated to 6A326 per MacRumors AND Apple site. Good job correcting yourself 👍🏼

Putting 2 finger rabbit ears behind someone when a picture is about to be taken

I thought UB820 was the best in the market for its price range?

If you think that’s psychotic, wait til you run into someone drinking moonshine for fun 😂

Also, our generation (at least in California) was the tail end of outlawing vending machines with chips and soda at high schools and middle schools. Makes sense for them not to crave it.