I only have one question, do they offer this in a Heathcliff version?

Why not? Shit talking is the best! (I’ll see myself out)

Is this supposed to be some foreshadowing? Cause if so, I’m all for it.

The last time people had dinner with Jesus, folks were crucified. I’m good with the cash.

All about those creatures was nightmare fuel for me. The snapping reminded me of the flint lighter he kept trying to ignite and (spoiler alert) wtf was with that stomach thing one did in the bathtub? All kinds of nope and fuck that for me. I’d find an old medieval castle and live my days in the tower!

You never heard of the “Rhinestone Cowboy” party. I swear. Are y’all even Americans?!

And god bless Halliburton, I mean middle eastern messiah, I mean that guy killed by the by the Jews before the common era…

I’m still over here like, who the F is Umar Johnson and like who’s the other guy. Oh wait, now I remember…


Tackle the guy, sure. Arrest the guy, sure. Try to hide you beating him with a stick while multiple officers have him pinned down while hundreds of people are filming at a live event…


Someone should bring back the pet rock and sell it to people like her.

In Austin, TX that was Leslie, our friendly neighborhood cross-dressing homeless hero, who lived on 6th street. He was such a nice guy that when he was diagnosed with cancer, the city helped cover his treatment and when he died, they paid for his funeral, burial services and the city council had everybody recognize his contributions as a true icon of Austin. Even asked for a moment of silence for him.


“I don’t touch doors.” Touches door to close it…

And here I thought the only reason he was famous was because he was dating Megan Fox. Didn’t actually know he was a rapper or a wannabe for that matter.


Rosey the Robot is playing a dude in this video? Man, she’s got some amazing range.

Maybe go inside and not be killed by the storm, or maybe not. Your choice there future winner of the Darwin Award.

It’s almost as if, and this is a big “IF”, but what if these aren’t the guys and just someone the police caught and forced to confess. I’m just saying…🤷🏽‍♂️

Of all the faces on the deck, he has one of the most punchable ones.