So 14,000 innocent civilians were killed.

That’s not really acceptable. Comparing Israel to Russia isn’t the win you think it is.

Then say that.

People don’t automatically know when you’re being hyperbolic.

Boomers 🤝dying in office instead of letting someone younger have power

We care about both. Especially when it’s American weapons bombing brown children in the Middle East.


Dude conservatively 35-40,000 civilians have been killed. 10-12,000 of those are children. Hundreds of thousands more are starving to death right now.

I don’t care what you’re beliefs are. This kind of mass killing of innocent people is simply unacceptable in modern society.

I was against it in Iraq. I was against it in Ukraine. And I’m against it in Palestine.

Yeah turns out “mass bombing of civilians” Is one of those hot button issues. Who knew?

Biden needs to be 20 years younger. Beyond that there’s no point in having a conversation like this.

Those are custody disputes. You said kidnapping. That’s not kidnapping.

Kidnapping is against the law. Either you posted the wrong link or you went too far into hyperbole.

At a certain point states are just going to ignore this ruling entirely.

Have you missed the months of protesting all over the country and on college campuses?

Turns out “taxpayer funded genocide” is a big issue for some people.

Can you provide an actual news source, not a random YouTube page? Id like to know what you’re talking about. Im very confused.

How do you know that?

People are disgusted by what’s happening in Gaza. You don’t thing that’s effecting voters?

Again, kidnapping is still a crime. What are you talking about?

Because Trump has a cult. They don’t care how batshit he is. They’re voting for him.

There’s no Biden cult. Nobody has Biden flags on their pickups or Biden banners on their houses.

If Biden dropped out there wouldn’t be a mass exodus of people.

I don’t understand. Judges can’t kidnap children. Kidnapping is still a crime.

It would turn young voters away. I know 3 progressive people who aren’t voting for “genocide Joe” over Palestine.

Let me simplify it…Just because someone’s hiding behind children doesn’t mean it’s ok to kill those children.

Is that clear enough for you?

I agree. However the issue is we’re give two shitty candidates with two shitty policies on Gaza. One happens to just be shittier.

It’s one of many reasons Biden should drop out. It somewhat solves the Gaza situation.

And mocking that disabled reporter.

And raping those women.

They’re not terrified of anything. They’re just gaslighting their base to keep voting Republican despite the fact that they don’t have a single policy that makes their lives better.

It’s not fear. It’s cynicism. And it works, sadly.

The fuck?

I’m not pro anything. I’m anti-“bombing the shit out of children with my taxes.”

Weird take.