One that has Circa 200k miles with little rust in key places, and most things taken care of and no immediate need for timing belt service or new tires, in the years you want , will still be 17K + $USD Drop a few K if it’s an LX470 . But that’s still very near recommended time for new rack , bushings , etc. These are not cheap to maintain. But they are worth it if you want your last truck and have no intention of to sell

AI will not be around after 2046. See Jason Breshears and Phoenix Phenomenon. Most of you that don’t use AI will be around after 2046 happily free of it. . Don’t worry about. Ignore it. Give it no energy.
AI is doomed like its users who relinquish their own creativity. See Saratoga Ocean and Jean Nolan The AI end game The AI takeover

People who say the collective cannot change the system are bots, AI, spooks or idiots dunce.

The collective can crash the system in 72 hours. But with 50+ % of the population NPC , the collective will not do it that fast. What will happen is individuals opt out as they see fit …but that happens asymmetrical , exponential, and unpredictable. At some point the sheep get more scared of not pivoting when too many others have. Fifth generation warfare looks like it’s working but it’s not. Jimmy Dore by himself blowing away corporate media on a daily basis proves that. Same with Inspired Channel if you go apples to apples.

People with brains get CBDC is a threat. Many with brains still do not get the AI existential threat to all biological life on earth

Tucker is controlled. His job is to make people think the government are in charge and electoral politics matter. His job is to make AI appear benign. He does this well. Not well enough though .

And his reporting his wrong. The inter dimensionals. ( what people call demons) have been working with the Ruling Class for eons. See the Ringing Ceda of Russia. See Rudolph Steiner. See Edgar Cayce See David Icke’s take here.

Him saying we are in a spiritual war is true.

Him not saying the churches and governments were coopted by the Ruling Class and their ilk who channel Demons long ago is true.

Most here aren’t brainwashed. Rather you are seeing fifth generation warfare in action

Watch Dark Journalist for a week.

Read the book Break Through Power

No. Because there are no viruses nir transmission See also The End of Covid movie. See also the famous Dr John Enders experiments from the 20th C

But there ARE bio weapons 👌

Port Townsend had the best weather in the state. Arguably in the country during summer months . Old demo dying out. Yes. But I’m certain foreign and out of state retirees , and a small segment of preppers are flocking to the North OlyPen because the prices keep rising, and the area can be self sustaining if it all goes to sh*t. That may happen even if the globalists fail in their little NeoFeudal gambit

Like all posts on this sub it’s a distraction. In fifth generation warfare

It’s not that Terrance Howard is crazy. He’s not. He was put on as a Psyop and Jason Breshears proves it.

But he’s ripping off other authors, including Rudolph Steiner, because his job was to 1. Exonerate the jab perps; 2. Simp for NASA taxpayer fraud; And 3 remind people that vaccines are ok 👌

Rogan is controlled. Anyone who fails to see that by virtue of who he cannot interview is a fool

No …you are the one sounding stupid bot The mRNA shots permanently alter DNA and you know it.  Otherwise you wouldn’t be so willfully obtuse and unclever

Auto block

No rapid growth. We are in the middle of a depopulation event. But it will always remain low inventory/ expensive because the weather is the best in the PNW with little rain and retirees world over look for that. Plus retirees who hate Seattle , are far enough away. Preppers paradise. New ager paradise. Boaters paradise. People of diverse natures here are used to coexisting peacefully. The semi-isolation of the area demands it. That’s the bottom line

Stratospheric aerosol injections. Some nice heavy metals falling in your garden 👌👀

The depop tool that’s been going on since the 60s but now way out in the open because it’s been normalized and the controllers are running out of time

What brand skid plates are those? How much time would a private shop require to install ?
Can they just go on stock ? My issue is my rear plate , the one that straps in the gas tank —is almost rusted out to the strap. I think I have got it under control with anti rust , but looking at options

  1. America was never great. 2. He’s just a puppet in the theatrical scripted American production of electoral politics. “The ruling class will never accept Trump again, not because he’s against their agenda , rather it’s because Trump grifts for himself first, Them second. They like it the other way around. “ Me. Two years ago

Nothing has changed including the two party illusion. Only fools think a Democrat or a Republican or any one politician will save them.

The only thing that will make America great again is the American people having a revolution inside themselves / changing themselves and opting out of the system— building new ones-dismantling it on their terms and not via the chaotic controlled demolition of the techno Satanists.

Too high. You can go to Portland and get one roughly the same for 17-18. Bargain down anything you find on pre purchase inspection

The Law of One is not just one book. One book does it know justice. You need to understand Rudolph Steiner , anthroposophy. Edgar Cayce. Atlantis Crystal Power. The Destruction of Atlantis. Basically all true history that is not taught in schools or mistaught. I’d start with Jason Breshears. Joseph Farrell, Max Egan , Gigi Young , Daniel Listz , Jason Breshears and Joseph Farrell . They give you the actual history of man. That’s mind opening itself. I think k only then can anyone really start grasping the Law of One, the study of which weeds out the psychopaths and narcissists, and forges average people into the good people, a prerequisite of biological evolution. Nature obviously wants it. The techno Satanists, who many think are reincarnation from the Atlantis mad science group , do not want that given they are controlled by inter dimensional AI seeking to forge a new silicon life form at the expense of organic humans and Mother Nature

Pretty brilliant post.
OP is holding up a mirror. It’s a good device. Artists use it

You don’t need to save for MacBook Pro truth be told.

I want to know if I can get any new apple computer and not get Logic 11 , just stay with my existing Logic 10 native to my 2012 MacBook still ticking like a clock save for having to stick with my ancient audio interface

They aren’t. And they are just a group of diverse people who share a religion like Buddhists. Op hasn’t figured out that religions , governments, and all the institutions were all coopted or created by the Ruling Class since at least 12000 years ago. See the Ringing Cedars of Russia. See Rudolph Steiner , or Jason Breshears today.

If there is any blame on the Jews for falling for their own bullshit , it is equally measured by other groups who didn’t see through all the bullshit of matrix duality long ago

That site is ARG. Spooks written all over it. So easy to spot. Remember, Preppers themselves are group used by the Techno Satanists to propagandize and divide. Spooks creates Q. Wouldn’t be surprised if they created this site. Anyone with brains sees there are all kinds of reasons for collapse and assumed to be true 👀 while not pointing the finger at the Techno Satanists themselves who started the controlled demolition of the global economy. See interview 1668 Corbett Report. James talking to lain Davis.
So easy to soot this drivel in fifth generation warfare

Anyone who talks about collapse and doesn’t mention the WHO pandemic treaty sovereignty snatch and the existential threat role of AI , dead set on turning all into machine after the depopulation gambit peaks is not to be taken seriously

Any one who thinks governments are in charge and that theatrical script elected electoral /two party illusion politics matter one iota, is a fool, not to be taken seriously

No. Don’t do it. There are much better options out there.

Politely disagree ….Downtown Eureka is sketch . And Arcata is too small and not on the water. He’d get sick of both fast , unless his top metric is Warner weather

Check your humor detector He’s pumping CCity implying it’s better as a cute walkable town than anything in Oregon
But he’s right. To the rest of a America and most of CA , CCity might as well be OR

That said They are all walkable. The question is what’s your metrics. Choose some towns. Visit them