I’m just wondering what a long John is?! I moved here from NS two years ago and I’ve never seen that before at any Tim’s I’ve ever been to!

I moved to Edmonton from Halifax and fly back twice a year. Westjet was the only airline that offered a direct flight. I literally just got the westjet credit card specifically to get the points and the companion voucher for booking flights back home. Are they stopping direct flights to Halifax now??? 😡

She is literally disgusting. Someone in her comments called her foul once, I thought that was spot on 😂 I blocked her long ago

I had no idea of this! So they do this to deter shoplifting because if someone is shoplifting they will think security is coming for them? I always hear that and get nervous they are calling security because something is going down and I don’t want to be in the store if something serious was happening 😂😅

Yes!! Finally someone posted her lol. Something about her drives me crazy! She tries way too hard to be funny with the swearing and the sprinkled in sexual innuendos. Are you 10? We get it. You have sex with your husband. “Let’s go hoes” 💀. At first she interested me because I like to see what people feed their kids for ideas for my own kids and you can do that without showing them. But once she started talking and I watched more of her I had to block shortly after. Anyone who has to base their content around their kids doesn’t sit right with me, but something about her bothers me extra lol.