Saying that destroying the planet destroying war machine is bad while ignoring how much to economy would be caused by allowing it to exist may as well be saying people shouldn’t rebel.

Plus he glossed over how Palpatine engineered a civil war dwarfing the destruction and loss of life of the one fought against him to get the power to make himself Emperor.

[Warhammer 40,000] How big are the vehicles used by the Space Marines?

Space Marine models have historically been much smaller than the marines are supposed to be in lore, being around the size of normal humans. As a result the models for their vehicles tend to be smaller than they should logically be, being built around the size for a normal human and too small for a Space to fit inside in many cases.

Models on the tabletop are obviously not always to scale with lore, so how big are the vehicles used by the Space Marines supposed to be? Or do we have statements, I know that like many sci-fi writers, Warhammer 40,000’s writers don’t have the best sense of scale.

Despite being higher performance the Predator is under gunned in its basic Destructor pattern.

Yes. But still it means if you have be diplomatic with a gangster he is easier to put up with than others.

He also made a video saying the Rebels were wrong to blow up the Death Star because it crash the galaxy’s economy and the Empire’s rise was “smooth” apart from purging the Jedi.

Oh and there is his infamous For Honor video.

We are talking about the same channel that said the Rebels were wrong to blow up the Death Star because it would crash the galaxy’s economy, and in the same video called the rise of the Empire “smooth.”

That is a valid point, and now that you bring it up that does feel very sudden.

The first time Rey fought Kylo Ren he was injured from getting shot in the leg and he was off his game from thinking killing his father would remove the conflict in his head, instead it made him feel worse.

When we saw them fight Snoke bodyguards, Kylo Ren had easier time fighting three of them at once than Rey did fighting them one at a time. We saw he was the better swordsman and she got lucky he was injured an off his game in their first fight.

In Rise of Palpatine, Rey isn't able to defeat Kylo Ren in any of their fights and needed Leia to save her in the final one.

I don't even like this movie (hence why I call it Rise of Palpatine) and I have to keep pointing out that Kylo Ren was in control the entire time during the last duel with Rey. He has her on the ground and is ready to finish her off before Leia calls to him.

Luke piloted the equivalent of a cropduster, Anakin was piloting the equivalent of a race car. In the climaxes of IV and I, we saw both them flying what were essentially jet fighters that were nothing like the craft they were used to. We see Rey practicing with staff and sure that shouldn't translate to skills with a lightsaber, neither should the experience Luke and Anakin had before piloting a starfighter.

The only time Rey win a fight with a name character was when Kylo Ren was injured from Chewbacca shooting him in the leg and because he was thrown off by the death of Han. He went from stopping a blaster bolt to failing to pick up a lightsaber, we saw in TLJ that if Kylo Ren brought his A-game in TFA he would have won the duel with Rey. Even in Rise of Palpatine, Kylo Ren was only beaten by Rey because of the asspull redemption by Leia.

I swear that if the people ranting about The Acolyte took this attitude when Knights of the Republic was released they would have complained about all the ways it "broke" canon by including Force abilities we didn't see in the movies.

Yes but other traits were added as specific references later. Franchises can reference franchises younger than them, like how the Ravener is inspired by the Zerg Hydralisk (Nids came first, however, StarCraft predates the Nids 3rd edition codex that introduced the Ravener)

Oh sure it's not like we didn't see Luke or Anakin instantly master piloting aircraft they never saw before while displaying much greater skill than Rey, and it sure isn't like Rey got schooled in her fight with Luke, had to grab a lightsaber because she couldn't hit an old man who was out of practice, or how with a couple years of training Luke was able to defeat Darth Vader.

Enough with the "Mary Sue" comments. I am sick of them. I see claims of Rey easily mastering everything while ignoring how Anakin piloted a jet fighter and blew up a battleship when he was a 9 year old.

Even in Rise of Palpatine, Rey still needed Kylo Ren's asspull redemption to beat him because she couldn't take normally.

Tony is also a VERY charming psychopath, unlike many of the bosses we meet - he's got a real layer of charisma over his murderous rage. People like him. FBI agents are not immune to his charm.

Yeah, Tony has many qualities that make him a decent guy, it's just that they outweighed by all the qualities that make him evil. Still as long as he doesn't do something stupid like lose his temper they don't have a reason to avoid him.


Molly tries to offer some type of fun activity that Eustace rejects. Scratch tries to scare Eustace out the chair and eventually destroys the chair so Eustace cannot sit in it anymore.

We do see Dwight being diplomatic with Tony paid off since he was able to help kill Phil Leotardo. The feds got to bust one boss of the Lupertazzi Crime Family and then help dispose of another one.

Though if the FBI wants Tony assistance that almost makes it seem wasteful to arrest him.

No but the impression I got from the often self contradictory lore is that the belief that someone racial god gets the souls of their dead was just the Imperium deluding themselves.

Greed is definitely Broodwing. His entire deal is that he wants to sell weapons and he only engages in typical supervillainy when Grumm spots paying him.

The hardest working lazy person in the world.

[The Sopranos] Would real FBI agents really hang around gangsters as much as they do in this show?

We see the FBI agents go well beyond simple actions that would be undercover work. Dwight Harris is the big one, with Tony meeting on surprisingly friendly terms many times, even though Dwight is trying to put Tony behind bars and comes close to succeeding before slim margins let Tony get away.

Frank Cubitoso also mete with Tony to reveal that Tony's mother tried to orchestrate a hit on Tony.

While Tony Soprano, despite his short temper, appears smart enough not to get hostile with FBI agents, this show reminds the audience that most gangsters are not smart. Their lifestyle means that they are quick to anger and violence by nature. Is meeting with these people while not arranging a deal, or luring them into a trap to arrest them, something the FBI would really do?