Less than a year later we’re at $242/share! I hope you bought some 😏

Same - when I saw this I was relieved most of mine are locked. No more worries.

I immediately looked because I like to live dangerously 😎

Actually yeah, I think I didn’t for another week because it was upsetting. 😂 I almost turned four cool chapters into a single wrap up to be done with it. But then I thought of the handful I do have reading it. They deserve a good ending. But that silent redditer can jump off a bridge.

Yup I have a few lifers & I love them & will actually write things into my universes for them💙 They legit are the only reason I’m getting the one story I mentioned done!


This is so true. I had a fic go on silently for months and there was a ten chapter stint of no comments (fic was only designed to be 18ch) I made a ‘here’s what I would have done’ last chapter and explained I was abandoning it. It suddenly gets a comment (first in a year) within 48hours saying it’s their fav fic. I mean that was great to hear, but would have been nice hearing it when they didn’t have anything to gain (ie: getting me to continue) or while I was still interested in the fic myself 😭


About two weeks ago I had someone call one of my fics out for not being updated fast enough on here, so I pointed out that I was the author & I had not updated because I felt badly about it & would have loved to hear what people thought. It gets low engagement each update (9-12 hits a chapter) and I think I had missed 3 weeks of updates so not a lot. I replied directly to them. The initial poster never responded on here or the fic itself. They had the energy to complain but couldn’t give a single kind word when I was down, after reading over 50k words from me. It’s a kick sometimes how real the entitlement is. I’m so thankful for the handful of commenters I do have that keep me going though.

Also almost every fanfic site did not have sections for her work and actively removed fanfic of anything by Rice during the height of the frenzy.

The Anne Rice days were basically when all fandoms were in fear of being banned, because author Anne Rice made it feel possible by getting her works’ fanfic removed, utilizing actual lawyers, and sending cease and desists. Most of the work was not monetized. It was because of their sheer existence that the author was angry.

Thankfully most creators these days realize it is a way to feed the fan base and they don’t mind - so long as their creations aren’t being profited off of. Today that is the unspoken agreement that must be honored by both sides.


Those of us who know what those Anne Rice days were like understand why you cannot monetize fanfic in any way.

If you love it, comment on it.

Not gonna link what people don’t want to read but my bottom four fics have between 11-14 hits. Commenters don’t know how important they are to keeping smaller writers going💙

I will literally never forgot the person who posted just a the/there typo on a fic I spent 2 months straight on during a summer. Out of 100 chapters of content that was all they had to say?! Was so heartbreaking/demotivating to spend so much effort and get just that comment. I still remember it years later & hope the commenter learned since then.

Awesome!! It really does mean so much when it’s a part you’re worried about!

Nope. Guess you’re just my secret twin 😛

99% of the time I don’t mind since it means they’ll have plenty to binge when they get back to it. Life happens, shit happens. Fanfic isn’t front and center for anybody, and rightly so.

However there is one formerly regular commenter that gets me - I’ve written about 30k in a story about a character they designed for me, and they haven’t commented on that story once. That’s when they switched fandoms, which I totally get that tastes and interests change, but it makes me cringe to have spent months writing it when one of the people I wrote it for never picked it up. I’m still writing their character blind, and I gave up hoping the commenter/creator will come back at this point. It’s tough not knowing if I wrote the character as they liked or if they found it entertaining. Honestly I’m tempted to kill their character off when an opportunity presents itself. Thats the only bummer, otherwise nope regular commenters going silent is just part of life.

Bless you both 💙 The Oprah of Kudos!

Agreed - I’m surprised Buffet hasn’t started paying a dividend after so many years. Maybe he never will.


I wish if people liked a fic that they’d say something to the author. My fic is on here & I didn’t update it this week because it felt like I was shouting into the void & I felt bad about that story. I literally said to myself ‘no one will miss it.’

I kinda of get where you’re coming from - I don’t mind something like that getting mentioned a couple of times, especially if they’re comparing or contrasting, but it does get a bit cringe when I make it clear their fic or verse isn’t my cup of tea but they keep bringing it up.

I’m so conditioned for the Hunger Games that even though I knew which subreddit this was my brain still went ‘Snow always lands on top.’ 😂