You think you are giving her enough food but I am pretty sure you are not. That’s a thin cat. Please keep kitten food out at all times and let the cat free feed at this age. This is a hungry cat.

How has no one figured out a way to sell them as pets as the present day sea monkeys. And no food needed, they make their own.

Mine asks “what’s she saying?” For every bird, bug, box, banana and just about anything. I don’t know is not an acceptable response apparently so I am making up thought process and dialogue for everything from the tap to the sun.

My orange girl is amazingly and exceptionally intelligent too. I hate the dumb orange generalization so much.

Ummm… your header says “ he doesn’t like it when neighbours dog visits”. That doesn’t sound like a one off first meeting but whatever. It’s distressing to see this pic of the cat tbh.

That was why GG was so compelling to watch. It was that exaggerated and comical farce almost but so real and incisive at the same time. It’s genius.

Unpopular opinion and I think I will be the only one saying this but here goes. You say “fewer harmful chemicals”. But why expose a 4 year to it at all? There are so many other ways of self expression open to a child other than makeup. Be it clothes, accessories, arts, room decor etc. Also it just creates a focus on personal appearance around masking that I am sure sends sublimation messages. I am with your wife on this one. Kids move on to other things once you push back on nail paint a few times. Time enough for that later.

That cat is genuinely scared and stressed. Hope you are sure the dogs won’t hurt it. It is cruel to expose him to this in any case for the emotional trauma.

She can legally change her name to anything she likes, whether she marries or not. You are clearly not taking her name nor is she asking you to take the hyphenated name so what makes you think you get a say in what her name should be? Stop being patriarchal. Grow up and respect her choices when it comes to herself.

That’s just about every cat. Cute chubby floof.

Guerlain. They never go wrong and are always classy.

Teaberry! It such a solid ice creamy pink, I can’t wait to see how it looks on paper in a thin line

Mint chutney! Spikes up sandwiches like nothing else.

I don’t know why you are getting downvoted. You were very clear about the specific book you were looking for and why this won’t do. Upvoting you.

Yes! The on the run episodes are so interesting and Natalie making that smoothie has got to be one of the funniest things on the show!

Try out crocs. They have flip flops, slides and clogs so you can pick up whatever feels most comfortable to you. They are very forgiving in size. They can be washed ad infinitum to clean. And they come in cute colors.