OK! OP, try both ways and see what you like!

Yes, in Chicago. I wrote a letter to President Ford complaining about how bad it was that the automated walkway in the Freedom Train didn't allow visitors to stop and really look at the artifacts. I still have the letter I got from the White House in response ("thank you for your letter . . . your input is valuable . . . )

Poach your fish for a while. I like poached catfish. Easy - just put a filet in a little baking dish with a little bit of water (or other liquid) in the bottom and bake for about 20 min abt. 350 (depends on your oven.) It's ready when the filet flakes easily apart. Don't cook a thicker fish like cod like this, but trout or catfish is lovely when poached.

And don't eat a whole lot at a time. Just a few bites. Your stomach will tell you how much is ok.

The Criddlers taking over America's cities need to be Singapored. It's long past time.

Sandles with socks should be fine. Wash and dry your feet thoroughly before you put them on, of course.

I dunno. I think hearing a stranger singing is lovely. Just enjoy the unique experience. Sing along!

(Electronics and recorded music are a different matter, uncool, and awful.)

I'm going to Newfoundland and Labrador on Friday!!!!! Very excited!!!! Will spend 2 weeks there.

We had serious flooding here last week and the river came uncomfortably close to my home. I'm grateful no one here had serious damage, and send compassion to the folks in Western Iowa who lost their homes and crops.

Definitely do this!

It's just completely embarrassing to me that the US versions rely on F list reality "stars".

I want to see a Survivor-like diverse cast of people we don't know, with the traitors randomly selected as you suggest!

If you haven't seen Happy Valley yet, it's amazing. The acting is superb.


Who would have thought! The cure for mood swings, cycles of deep depression, and crying jags has been Menopause!

It calmed down all my hormonal excesses, and I'm so grateful to be an old lady and calm and happy most of the time.

Me too. I don't understand why it gets so much attention here, but I think it must be because it's on high school reading lists.


Enright, Elizabeth: Then There Were Five.

Fiction, originally for 8 - 16 ish but loved by all ages.

Just Joyfulness on every page.

Other People are kind.

Other People are friendly.

Other People appreciate my attention.

Other People reciprocate my love.

We're All in this Together.

If you only have FOUR days (!), pick one city and stay there. There's more than 4 days worth to do in each of those cities. Don't even bother to rent a car, just stay in Boston or Montreal or NYC and use public transportation.

If you have FOURTEEN days, your idea of visiting 3 cities and stopping various places in between would be fine.

I agree with another poster that Quebec City is much more interesting than Montreal.

Yes, you are crazy.

Be free, traveler, be free!

Just BE. Hit the road and stop when the universe tells you to stop! Pee in the woods! Poop on your wheels! Take a left when the sign says to go right. Take the dirt roads.

But always aim for getting gas when your tank is about 1/4 full.