I should LMAO!!!

“A redditor hates you dad!”

Dad: “whats a Reddit?”

They can still lose in a sense. If they can’t figure out a puzzle or defeat a boss then they will get stuck. The no fall death allows an easier time moving through the levels. I’m kind of referencing my 5year old son’s playthroughs on Mario Odyssey for Switch. He would get stuck on certain puzzles/puzzle mechanics like double jumps where only the perfect double jump peak will get you to the platform or boss mechanics.

He still had a lot of fun playing Odyssey which is good because it gets him interested in platform games and 3d platform games so he has a multiple genres he likes to play now.

Hi mom!

LOL seriously though my mom stamps her foot to brake every time she is in the car with my dad. My dad is a hyper late braker.

Modern Mario games on Switch have something similar, no death from falling so it picks you up and returns you to where you were before you fell. It’s great for little kids just starting out playing video games for the first time.

So Dragon Age having something similar is hilarious because it’s ultra little kid mode which is perfect for game journalists LOL

Taking a page out of the Glenn Youngkin playbook. Attempt to avoid being criticized by your stance on issues by not truly stating your views and goals. Get elected and then go full Christian Nationalist RNC stooge while undoing everything that the previous administration did.

Trumps Agenda 47 is an attempt to avoid criticism from him actually using Project 2025 as his platform. Dems need to keep pushing this and get this out there to as many people as possible so they understand what’s really at stake here. The RNC literally wants Handmaids Tale with a splash of Jim Crow.

It’s finally out there for all to see, if they pay attention.

We live in strange times

JFC dude. The insurance company is the middle man between the homeowner and the federal government.

Wakeup. Insurance companies are useless.

We live in strange times


Even if you have flood insurance, if your house is a total loss during a flood event they will not pay. Hence FEMA always having to step in during disasters for payment.

Hurricane Sandy, Hurricane Irene, or anytime there is a large natural disaster where a lot of total loss happens in one area insurance will refuse to pay. If insurance was forced to pay they would go bankrupt, they do not have the cash on hand to pay for large disasters. Hence the reason for FEMA funds.

Flatlander 🌅🚗🗺️

How did they not have the homestead law target residential only and leave commercial/industrial separate?

We live in strange times

Wrong. You are ignoring the “acts of god” clause they use to dodge payment.

Again, the entire insurance (auto/home/renters/health/life) industry is a racket.

We live in strange times

The problem is insurance companies refusing to pay for total loss. This is why FEMA is involved and why states will declare a state of emergency with presidential approval to unlock the FEMA funds for reconstruction.

Insurance is a racket.

We live in strange times

Butterbean is one exception.

Yep, Aerith has the highest damage output in Rebirth.

Separately in Remake/Intergrade correct if wrong, but Tifa has the highest damage output?

Honda Civics and Toyota Corollas in rural areas do this all the time LOL

These fuckers are blind, ignorant, or trolling.

The California coast from Santa Barbara all the way up through Oregon to the Olympic Peninsula in Washington is stunning. Shit, I will put up coastal Maine with the view of all the pretty islands up against their shit.

You could say that about any online competitive multiplayer game.

We survived despite their incompetence, narcissism, and negligence not because of those things.

Their arrogance and cognitive dissonance will not let them see themselves as/was a problem.

I’m extremely lucky that my parents are decent grandparents. Yes, we have our arguments, but we move on. My father subconsciously or consciously is making the attempt to be better to my kids than he was with me.

“Tapout: The Resurrection”


Diablo 2 Act 3 - Spider Forest - Great Marsh - Flayer Jungle

Those three combined, always getting lost.

Nolan is famous amongst actors for having a script while also letting actors try their own variations of lines. They film them all for the scene and he picks the one that sounds best for what he’s trying to achieve.

Michael Jai White was interviewed and he explains how Nolan gives actors freedom to experiment with their lines.