To quote a reply I saw about wifely goodness the other day, "She will be our wife"

Not gonna go into all the heth stuff but I recently learned it's a good insecticide. That's why some city birds use discarded filters in their nests. Saw it on SciShow among other places

I have an NPC my Players have yet to meet in the game I DM called Sybil Sybin. She's a spore druid who lives in a toadstool hut on the outskirts of a town in the swamp lands.

Her main role is the town healer/herbalist and general friendly wise old woman who always has an ear and a cup of tea ready for those in need of it.

I can't wait to figure out the rest

You have my gratitude sir. That was a wonderful explanation.

How are you? Because I'm a potato! My hubby has that on a tshirt

For about ten minutes then I noped the feck outta there

I've found a good balance to use a stack mod and have increased gather&harvesting stats if it's the resource grind you want to not quite "cheat".

I did my first ever boss fight today on lost island. Gamma Dinopithecus. I've been putting off doing any bosses cause I'll never do a ocean cave or any underwater stuff. Recently, however, I said sod it and decided that I'll just spawn in the stuff my fear won't let me get. I'm also single player ASE

Depends on platform and budget I suppose. PlayStation, yes. Steam, yes unless you have Gamepass for PC. Xbox (see steam).

If you haven't already given it a go, it might work out cheaper to buy a month of gamepass to try it. At least then you'll have loads of other games to play for a while if you don't like it

There may be some in-jokes and story beats the may leave you feeling a little "huh? What was that about" further on if you don't but I wouldn't say you need to watch them.

I didn't know about Orion's behaviour until after Tiberius left and looked up some articles. I'm not an OG critter so I wasn't watching when stuff happened so I taking any "details" I read with a hefty pinch of salt but I trust that he wouldn't have been kicked from the group without very good cause.

I will add that if CR didn't want the episodes to be seen, they'd probably not be up on the channel.

There's no grudges or anything like that. We just grew up to be quite different people with very different lifestyles.

Perhaps there's a cultural difference (I'm UK) somewhere along the line then cause in my general experience, it's been the older stoners (smoking in the 70s & 80s) that call it pot.

Then you should see the "Pott Head" t-shirt my anti-drug sister got me. It's Harry Potter based but we all know. It goes quite well with the Herbology one my bro got me.

Not only n-words my friend. Us white bitches from England call it that too

Please forgive me if this is a dumb question but what would be the negative connotation? To me pot would be more the hash variety (also known as rocky here when I was a teen) because it's hard as a clay pot.

Got a similar problem with my group with getting stoned and getting high. High is more chemically induced to those that partook in such things when we were younger (40s now). When I was in a different circle, getting stoned was getting high

My parents still call it "wacky baccy". I call it relief

You should absolutely not cross your own boundaries to placate other people. If you let one fall now, how long until another gets pushed. Perhaps it's time for a mid-campaign session zero to address lines you are not willing to cross.

I'm so glad for you. My younger sister and I can get along well enough now (39 & 35) but I don't think we'll ever be truly close in the way sisters "should" be.

Then there's the elusive fairy rainbow unikitten.

We have a "The Girl" and a "The Boy". Is 7 too young for bootcamp?

We, hubby and I, have always encouraged gaming as it's a big part of our lifestyle. Both children started at around 3 by sitting on our knees with pad in hand pressing RT on Forza Horizon (4 for the girl, 5 for the boy).

After a while, creative mode on NMS was great for my daughter to learn the basics of pad control without much danger and she loved seeing all the pretty colours on the paradise plants.

She's 7 now and plays Minecraft (no servers) and among us with no help.

She never uses headphones and knows that if anyone sends her messages or invites she's NEVER to even open the notification without one of us. Her friend list is only family members.

When it comes to content we're probably different to most parents. While I wouldn't sit there and let either of my kids watch me play GTA or things with excessive nudity, I will and did quite happily let my kids watch me spring from the bushes and drive my hidden blade through a templar's skull or mow down 100 zombies trying to get to the next checkpoint. My theory is that she knows the difference between reality and pixels on the screen. As of yet, she has given me zero cause for concern out in the real world. In fact I couldn't be prouder of her. Hopefully the boy will follow her example.

Anything Ryan said beginning with "I once did/was/went to...."

I'm probably on Zombies tomorrow. Depending how much dust the grinder gives up. The bong has long since been retired as my lungs can no longer handle it after 25yrs of smoking. I'm hoping we here in (unnnamed country) won't have to wait too much longer for legality.