Someone, get Him a towel!

Im glad to hear that, I try to act the same way. But when the dynamics of the internet become second nature you become jaded & cynical and become a bit more... I dont know, defensive I think is the word?

You have good one, ok? :)

I am explaining how it may have come over. My personal opnions may well be different.

Please keep that in mind when downvoting me.

Showed this to my 7-yr old, he said: "Oh dear. Somebody ate waaaay too many carrots"

You raise a good point and I agree that we must be careful with gender identities & respect non-binary or trans people. To me that's a given, even. But I feel that what caused OP to be downvoted is not so much asking for recognition about their gender identity in general, but the ham-fisted way they went about it in this particular case. There is a difference between addressing misgendering and making a point, and OP seemed to be doing the latter.

I am saying that one's genitals are completely irrelevant. Soz a person can identify in any way, shape or form if it were up to me. Just be sure to let me know how you wish to be adressed, I'd hate to misgender someone. Heck, I am godparent to a non-binary person for christ sake

So you can go and piss up a rope. The only prejudiced piece of shit here is you

Oh my god. My heart cries for you all

3000 black D.VII's of Anthony Fokker

Bist doe veur'n kounavvel? Bliefst doe'n trap in de pokkel of wa? Dou eem, waailap...

Ok, two things: nobody here cares about your genitalia so it does not set you apart, and second: "dude" can be a unisex term - which it most definitely is.

Pressing the matter makes no difference, as I take no position either way. You asked, you received an answer: you are being downvoted because you are being perceived as creating a gender issue where there shouldn't be one.

Because "dude" is meant to be a friendly term and you rejected it. The word dude can apply to anyone, as in "one of the dudes on this sub". In that light you saying "we're not a dude" sets you apart from the rest of us, for reasons we cannot and do not know.

No judgment from me, just an explanation.

3000 black D.VII's of Anthony Fokker


(Cheers mate!)

3000 black D.VII's of Anthony Fokker

Welkom in de wondere wereld van het Nederlands!

(Edit) Oh, and if you're foolish enough to try and speak it your throat will be hurting, too :)

3000 black D.VII's of Anthony Fokker

We makin' this an arms race now? Okay, have a 3000 liter manure tank


(Edited cuz youtube sucks unwashed ass)

Ah, yeah. Seems to be the only part of Ratnik that has been issued at any significant scale. The way I understand it did well enough in tests but at the start of the war there were quite a few complaints about the quality of the things. Also, the older stuff (6B3) shows up more and more often as stocks run out and the Ru army focusses on new "superequipment" that will DEFINITELY end this war (lookin at you, Strelok).

OH, definitely. And since this is Russian gear we're seeing here: I wouldn't like my chances with even a center-mass shot on the plate

Yep, but that considers NATO standards. Russian body armor is well known to be of poor quality and the L3 ballistic plates are issued haphazardly (if at all)

(Edit: included 1st sentence)

Yes, I meant Russian armor. Sorry about that.

I read that Russia does not issue ballistic plates w. their vests as standard, so the majority of their soldiers have L2 protection at best. And that's without taking the aquality of Russian armor into account

A head is a round object with a hard interior. A shoulder is much more straight and not entirely bony. A full-size rifle round richocheting of a shoulder probably isn't impossible, but I'd advise any person it would happen to to immediately buy all the lottery tickets they can find :)

Being "grazed" with a full-size rilfe round still is nothing to trifle with. And given the size of the dust "puff", i'd say that was a full-on hit

In any sane army you;d be correct. But considering the videos about "cripple batalions" I've seen over the last week or so, I'd suggest this marvelous lad to learn shooting with his left arm


Yeah, they do. (EDIT: RUSSIAN. Thanks for pointing that omission out) Military body armor mostly helps avoid fragmentation injuries. Assault rifle ammo will injure regardless of a vest, most of the time.

And such sniper rifles usually fire even more powerful rounds than an assault rifle would. So a vest would be next to useless

No. Farage I'd want to fight. Farage symbolises a clear threat.

This sniveling little twerp isn't a threat, he just raises a sensation of: "I am going to bully you if I get the chance"

Ah! De roep om "De Sterke Man die de Orde herstelt"! Dat is 贸贸k nog nooit eerder geprobeerd, en ik zie geen 茅nkele manier waarop dit fout kan gaan.