Social democracy is a form of social liberalism no?

As a German, I have no idea. I travelled many countries, also outside Europe and Germany is by far one of the safest ones.

Yeah, but I will still be much more cautious around large horses.


If you go lower and look under causes, even your source says that there is no evidence that spicy foods can cause gastritis.

What your doctor propably meant was that spicy food may make the symptoms of your gastritis worse. That doesn't mean it causes it. The general consensus is that spicy food is actually very healthy (as long as don't overdo it, like woth everything).

Not really. If the small horse kicks you, your shin hurts. If the big horse kicks you, you are likely dead.

You correct. It's just that you missed the joke. This is what this sub is about.


Don't forget that Trump is also showing clear signs of mental decline. Just not as advanced as Biden. In a year or two he will likely be just as bad.

Homeschooling isn't education. The average parent is not suited to educate people. Why is it still a thing in the US?


Not really. Capsaicin doesn't actually produce heat. It just mimics the sensation by binding to heat sensors. A heat shock is caused by denaturation of proteins due to actual heat which induces the production of heat shock proteins that preserve the structure of proteins. The nausea, vomiting, headache, etc. associated with heat stroke are caused by dehydration and protein denaturation (-> loss of function).

Capsaicing works differently. It activates NO synthase which produces NO (nitrogen monoxide) which acts as a muscles relaxant in vascular musculature (-> vasodilation -> lower blood pressure).

True. Saying that planet earth is in danger is nonsense. Life (as we know it) on planet earth is on danger. Some species may be able to adapt to the changed climate, most won't. Humanity may struggle a lot. Nature will go on tough. It doesn't need us. We are only a very tiny part of it, insignificant for the bigger picture.

We don't have to save the climate and the environment to safe the earth. We have to save the climate and the environment to save ourselves.

All sports fans are, tbh. Ever been to India while there is a cricket match against Pakistan?


Maybe an upopular opinion but I disliked the old Udyr and never played him but now LOVE the rework. I think Riot made a huge improvement.

Even the little details with his thematic design, e.g. that his new animal forms actually fit with his Freljord setting. E.g. Tigers and turtles don't live in cold climates, so tiger was switched to bear, turtle was switched to boar, bear was switched to ram, and the pheonix is now an ice one (only spirit guardian Udyr still has the old animal forms). Also, the new forms represent the Frelbordian demigods, Volibear, Ornn, and Anivia. Maybe there will be a fourth demigod some day, representing the boar.


Do you have a source on that? Never heard it.


Not really. It can give you (burning) diarrhoea if you eat too much. Generally capsaicin (the substance in chillies that make them spicy) is suggested to have many health benefits. E.g. it lowers blood pressure. The only danger associated with capsaicin is that if people who are not used to spicy food consume too much capsaicin at a time, their blood pressure drops too low which can actually be bery dangerous. People have died of this. This is why the hot chip challenge has become illegal or strictly regulated in some countries where people don't eat much spicy food.

She has very low self-esteem. Otherwise she wouldn't care about follower numbers.


Yes, if you get a general bio degree it is usually the norm to specialise in something by selecting the courses that fit your desired specialisation. E.g. I got a BS in biology, specislising in neurobiology and physiology. And with that, I even got a job in neuropsychology research.

However, at the moment I am completing a MS in biomedicine specialising in immunology and parasitology (yes, I switched specialisation, that works too).

My opinion is, that starting out with a general biology degree is actually the best option because it gives you a broad general knowledge about the forms, mechanisms, and modes of life. People who only do e.g. cancer biology from the start are very limited in their knowledge. Specialisation is important but you have to make sure that you also have good general knowledge so that if you suddenly have to look into plants for your infection research, you have a general understanding of how they operate and don't have to learn everything from scratch (and yes, this happens).


I seriously doubt that. There are always a few atheists everywhere. It's just that if you live in a highly religious society as an atheist, you usually keep it for yourself because often religious people struggle to understand atheism and sometimes become hostile towards atheists.

So, yes you certainly will have met an atheist even if they didn't tell you didn't "seem like it" (what ever that would mean; what makes people "seem like an atheist" anyway?). I definitely know atheists in India. Not a lot, but they exist.

Yes, its definitely normal. At this age, girls are mentally more developed than boys, which is why it actually typical that 14-year-old girls look for boys that are a little older.

Even by the ancient standards of 14

Where did you take these "amcient stadards" from? Also, standards for what exactly? A relationship between a 14-year-old and a 17-year-old would be ok by modern standards as well. What do you mean?

"Some of them"? Isn't it the norm to not be racist?

Ahsoka Tano

If Darth Sion would become canon again (which I think/hope he will) those Disney haters who complain about people surviving lightsaber stabs will go crazy.

Yes, but looking at the evidence it is more likely that MJ was actually innocent.


So, if I randomly accuse a person of something and make up stories without any real evidence, they will never ever be innocent again, just "not guilty", even if later it is all debunked and exposed as lies. Got it.


Innocent until proven guilty. That's how justice works. We don't know if he was innocent or guilty so the default position towards him should be assuming innocence. Considering that many of his accusers admitted to their lies it make his innocence even more likely.

Btw, OJ had to pay damages to the family of his victim because he was actually guilty. The reason, he was acquitted was due to the inherently flawed jury system in the US that allows random people without any knowledge or comptetence to be involved in criminal trials. MJ was acquitted because there actually was no concrete evidence and the accusers made contradictory statements and were exposed on lying.