Everyone thinks the grass is greener. It rarely is

That’s literally all junk food. Overweight much ?

It was fun until all missions were completed and by the end of season 1 you knew it wasn’t getting anymore content added. That’s when my group stopped playing and stopped caring. Dead game.

Hard no. They already changed the plot enough. Keep this sapphic writing out of it. Thanks.

Ocean diving no. Fishing yes.

Dating in your thirties really sucks because it legit is one of the first few questions a girl will ask you. Wish that wasn’t the case. Never ask a girl her weight. Never ask a guy his salary.

Is this satire? I’m so confused. That doesn’t look dead to me

Most of the market is reeling because of Bidens less then stellar performance. But this seems typical of Tlry, it has more red Fridays then green by a long shot.

Yes it has your not wrong about that. But to be fair, religion begets morality too, and there’s a lot of people who need to use religion as a scale to be good people. Religion isn’t always bad. Just in the wrong hands. Like anything else. Neither side should be cramming propaganda down our throats. But that’s just my hot take.

The same could be said about extreme liberalism and woke culture cramming itself down the throats of Americans. Don’t forget, both sides have extremists, neither are good.

Can confirm this is what being on dating apps is like In your thirties.

Flags are a sign of information, whether it’s telling you what country it represents or what idea or ideals it represents. And it’s indicative of the person who hung it in their classroom. They are inherently propaganda. It is what it is.

There’s nothing wrong with it in my opinion, until You start telling others they can’t hang their own. Or have their own beliefs. I understand the separation of church and state, but maybe we should do away with all of it then to keep it fair. Classrooms are meant for learning anyway. Not for teachers to spew their political leanings. I’ve voted blue for years because I care about human rights, but this isn’t something I see the Left being right about.

Look up the definition of Propaganda. Not going to argue with the uneducated.

But it’s okay to have pride flags and other propaganda flags in the classrooms though right? So it’s only Christian’s we like to persecute now? Oh and Jewish people. It’s okay to discriminate those now too I forgot. What a world we live in.

Still doesn’t work. They will still constantly leave and you’ll find them wandering around.

And yet the ice pals STILL refuse to stay at the fridge.

Remove the stairs, add a wall, then put the stairs back up. It won’t be exactly what you want but at least it will be closed. Sorry mate.

Liberal wokesters getting crazier by the day. Might need to reopen some asylums. Arkham anyone?

To be fair the city is pretty disgusting and does smell rancid. She’s not a nice person no, but she’s also not wrong. Portland sucks.

Whelp. Truth strikes again. Good job capitalism I’m glad to see that trickle down effect working at full capacity. Rofl

Clearly you must actually be drunk if you believe that.

Woke propaganda in general actually.