Soooooooo here’s the thing. Humans like every other creature on this planet has been genetically programmed to survive. When you look at people who now live well in first world countries, that is no longer a concern. Existentialism becomes vague. Then on top of that you like everyone else is sold a shit bill of goods that if you work hard at your job, do all the shit your parents did ( find a mate, get married, a house etc..) you will be happy. On top of that messaging, for the last 40 years excluding 2008 money has been cheap. Low cost of housing and living has allowed us to distract ourselves with entertainment. Movies games events things to buy etc all distractions. Things to keep the ants moving and doing the same shit everyday. Here is the rub. Covid broke that. It made us have to stay in doors and face ourselves and every imperfection we have been running from with those distractions. Many couldn’t handle it and they broke. Depression and suicide rates climb. It also opened our eyes to how extreme capitalism has gone in the wrong direction. Inflation through the roof, and most companies now show their true colours. Which is we were always a number to them but now they flaunt it in your face. They don’t care about you and that hurts. You want your life and work to mean something. You are more than just a number and you work your childhood and young adult lives away to have an opportunity to work for the rest of your life. Thinking about what you will be doing in a job you want. Then you get there only to realize the work has no satisfaction unless you’re in healthcare or something that helps people. This is because you want to do this work and be more than just a number. However you’re now waking up from the bs dream that was fed to you and it hurts. We have been lied to and used. Well you can fix it for yourself. You can find things that gives you meaning. Not what others want of you or expect or have always done. You break the mould and walk away from the buying of shit. Spending time on frivolous things and devote your time to worthwhile causes. I find working to help others on self help forums like this works for me. I am also writing a book I hope will help folks work through this shit we are all facing. It won’t seem so bleak once you own your part in it and take back your life. Try new things, help others and you will find so much more meaning and satisfaction in your life. Much love and I wish you all the best.

This literally made me cry. I so hope this is true.

Hahah what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine…

You are not an asshole. They never grew up learning how to own their shit. You gave what you could and they could only see what they didn’t get. I the end that is the type of problem we call their problem.

Players do not swing in the dugout. They would hit someone. They do it in the on deck circle. Point taken though.

My grandmother used to eat a teaspoon of Vaseline when she had a sore throat. I remember being appalled for her health and then realizing I was having this conversation with someone into their 90s didn’t really help my cause.

CPMA is vq3 movement. CPM has air control. Yes there are ql servers with that movement. All the race servers have those options.

You my friend are experiencing an existential crisis. Money does not give one’s life meaning. It can help you along the way but it is a tool just like anything else you may use to get a job done. You’ve regressed to a state where you believe you are no longer of use to anyone even yourself. If you were sitting in a comfy chair across from me early in this process I would have asked you how you felt. You would say a bunch of things that are going through your mind but we would get to the point where we deduce you’re depressed (internalized anger) for allowing yourself to be bored.

Then I would ask you what is the definition of boredom and you would look at me funny until I gave you this answer. “Boredom is insecurity in your inability to do something new with something you already have”. Then you would look at me funny again till it sinks in and your eyes would open with a new profound understanding of your current situation. Awesome we have made progress!

Now how to fix that insecurity and heal that internalized anger? Well in the past you have filled that hole or ignored previous unhealed trauma by becoming a business savant and you did an incredible job. You should be proud of your work and give yourself a legit pat on the back. It is not easy to get where you are and very few accomplish it. You can do this by treating yourself in moderation to things you enjoy or a bucket list item. Then it’s time to do the real work. I would have you look deeply inside yourself to answer the existential question of why you worked that hard for that specific goal. Which only you can answer as it will be related to your belief system. Someone or something instilled in you a belief that said this is my goal and I won’t rest till I accomplish it.

Then I would challenge you to do some research on what other things might interest you? For me helping others has always been hugely rewarding. It makes the awful or even mundane experiences in life seem like small bumps in the road as on the other side of it, I can hopefully help someone else again. So figure out what you’re passionate about and go after it. Donate your time, be a big brother or sister, adopt a child, go to a soup kitchen. Take yourself out of your comfort zone and try things you normally would not (as long as it’s healthy and legal).

I would then close the session and say we will have weekly follow ups to see your progress and help you through any other issues you may encounter. And if I were some big shot therapist send you a bill for stupid money. Since I am not and I enjoy helping, this one’s on the house! Wish you all the best and then tell you one last thing. Existentialism or the meaning to life differs for each and every person. You can set a new goal every week but the best part is not the momentary bliss of reaching it, it was the journey getting there, including all the ups and downs. You can’t call it an adventure if there is no venturing.

As an FYI there maybe other underlying trauma there causing your previously mentioned depression but this response only speaks to the information given.

I would say no. Change that to low eq. Eq does not rise with IQ but IQ has to rise with EQ. At least that is my current working theory.

I would say some of my bm’s may require a seatbelt over stirrups. To each their own though.

As someone with really bad melanoma, I absolutely love this! Mind you I probably wouldn’t be able to see the ball coming lol

There was one of these down by the fort york condo buildings with its nest in a small tree that was planted next to the sidewalk. That little bugger would attack everyone who walked by and it was quite entertaining. Even after moving out to small town Ontario you can see these guys chase down redtail hawks who fly away as fast as they can lol.

I wouldn’t say you’re an ahole for saying it but it comes off as judgmental and it is obvious your sister has some serious trauma. Instead of telling her those things which will put her in a defensive mode, why not ask why she feels like the kids won’t be safe without her? Trying and get to the root cause of that trauma. It is clear she is not owning her shit but the question is why? What events in her past have built into her belief system that her devotion to her kids means smothering. Unfortunately these kinds of actions are going to have negative repercussions on the children as well. It will stunt their ability to grow in areas that are pivotal to their ability to assimilate into society. Also what will she do when the kids want to have sleepovers at friends? Go away to camp or school? If she keeps them from those experiences they will become resentful and maybe even rebellious. Do they go to school now? If not what will she do when they do? Regardless, just try and get her to figure out the trauma instead of bluntly stating where you think she has failed. This is the best way for you to be supportive during this traumatic time in her life. Good luck!

Is it me or does the last bit of chicken scratch look like coerced citizen? lol

News flash folks this just in, politicians with self interest make biased decisions to support their own interests.

Pre pandemic I had to come into the office less than I do now. I could only afford way outside the city close to London. Then they mandated 3 days a week and now it is going to be more? All the while my job functions can and were done completely remote for over three years while making our company have banner year after banner year. This is how we are repaid for longer days and being shut in like criminals. If I didn’t have young children I would totally be ready for the book of revelation’s where these slimy self centred politicians get what they deserve for eternity. Greed based inflation that started at the gas pumps have put so many on the cusp or beyond it. Now this, it’s completely tone deaf and I don’t see the population taking much more without response. They should do their research and see what history says about what happens when those with money in power step on the throats of those who support them.

Take one look at the witness and tell me it’s not a possibility..

We are inside the traveler after it was penetrated and has a weird disease running rampant. We are no longer guardians and have turned into antibiotics.

So from a moral standpoint you were not obligated to tell her. Regardless of results, this was her looking for someone to blame for her mistake.

Azran if it’s in good condition and complete that is a great price.

Heck na that’s pretty. Way better than the first gen Elise with the bug eyes.