Yeah, the recent remaster was great too. I could never get into any of the other Star oceans. Playing SO 2 as my first jrpg as a kid was magical I had never thought cooking and pick pocketing and stuff would be in a game.

You worked 7 days in 4 years ? What did you do before that ?

Agreed, people seem to be losing the ability for critical thinking and organizing / participating in making positive societal changes through involvement in politics both local and federal. They are blaming everything except the system that is crumbling from institutionalized greed.

The worst were when a milf offered me to share her soap bar in a communal shower with her and I just borrowed it from her and went to a different individual shower. Another time a girl literally took my hand and led me to her room but I just asked if she had a beer and took the beer and continued drinking with friends. To be fair though I was not attracted to the girl that led me by hand ( she was obese and had a weasel laugh).

2, reinassance Italy was very charming and the gameplay was on point. Black flag is very close behind it. Tbh I kinda lost interest in AC after about black flag all the newer entries felt more soulless as the series continued to go on.

Definitely, that’s many years slaving at a corporate job. You also get the benefit of great life experience living a simple and more natural life. Heck, I don’t know if I’d wanna go back after that.

Go for a hike or walk in the woods. For some reason it’s much less lonely among nature. You also encounter other people on the trails sometimes which can help.

There are not many social safety nets in the USA so we must build our own safety net. It’s a greed based and bootstraps society. We also don’t get much vacation time to spend our hard earned money even if we desire to. These issues and the fact that we all die one day is precisely why I’m going to quit my job and travel for several months next year.

I’d be excited but skeptical about the final product. I don’t think they could match the dark atmosphere and probably would have to make it much more family friendly as those were pretty mature games.

If they’re genuine and I sense they don’t have ulterior motives to be friends then I’m open to work friends. I’ve been burned by a couple in the past but plenty were genuinely cool people.

None, if I don’t like it I don’t play. Simple. I used to force myself to play games like that when I was younger but life is too short for that.

I’d get potatoes eggs and beans, possibly peanut butter and bread, milk if there is anything left … go for cheapest brands

Bulk meats, fish, canned sardines and salmon, ice coffee, yogurt, protein powder, grains, egg whites, certain fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts etc

King crab and oysters r nice but I like everything. Some are a bit annoying like crawfish and dungeness crab since they require a lot of peeling for little meat.

I’ve got a cousin that works wildlife management surveying and firefighting wildfires. He absolutely loves it but money is always tight. He seems to make things work though.

I don’t know if it’s just a bad chilis near me but the last time I went there the burger was terrible. Slathered in too much Mayo and seemed like they dunked it into a vat of oil and lard. It was literally a sponge of grease. This place called burgers n shakes by where I used to live in south fl ( Hollywood area ) was incredible and also a place where I live now called burger barn is pretty good but burger barn is more like burger fi and not much of a bar restaurant.

Sorry that happened to you. Do you have any idea why she wanted to ruin you so badly ? Do you think she really believed the accusations or was she angry about something else ?

From your point of view this seems like an absolute nightmare. To determine everything though I think I’d have to hear multiple sides of the story and see any evidence and hear from the children. Sounds like you are innocent though since the courts and such decided it. That woman sounds like satan 👿.

Star ocean second story, silent hill, road rash, crash trilogy, resident evil 2

Proof that sardines are a nutrition powerhouse if baby will eat them like that.

Instant pot to cook the rice and beans then make a stir fry with eggs, vegetables, beans, rice, olive or avocado oil or butter and whatever else you can throw in there ( sausages, hot dogs, meats etc if you have any ). You can make that every night for a nutritious and cheap dinner that is filling.