It's super classy to link the outfits your friends bought for your baby.

I would fire any GC that did the job the way she is. It's comical how little she knows and how big her ego is. This is pure comedy to watch.

Nothing exciting about this. Cheney sold out the residents of Frisco to become an Orlando. He lied to those living next to it and gave Universal all the items he said he wouldn't allow. Now, we get more traffic, become a tacky tourist town, more strain on a city that has struggled to keep up with progress. I you think it's going to stay a small kids park, think again.

I dont' understand why the baby with the fever didn't go to the doctor too, since she also just had an ear infection.

Don't put crap on people's doors. I will never use anyone that solicits me by door in anyway. There are so many available options for marketing online, via mail, etc. This seems awfully antiquated.

Hair pats for her having to do all the work with the sick child. The benefit of 2 parents at home, is you don't have to take a sick child out.

Texas politicians believe women are expendable. See you at the polls!

Why does this baby have to sleep in the bathroom. Most, new parents want the baby right next to the bed. Even, when he was in their bedroom he was far across the room. I wonder if the night nanny had enough and quit. Jan is looking a little rough in the photo with him today.

I can't imagine how sad it is that you follow this horribly behaved person and have made it your hill to die on to defend her.

Exactly. The Nanny will probably be doing stuff around the house, etc for the kids that she doesn't have to mess with. She also likes the flex of saying she has a nanny.

The little skits with her husband where she plays the role of the dumb blonde who needs this guy to figure out the most basic stuff is really old and stupid. Maybe, the money would be better spent on educating her than a home where she doesn't even know how to pick a lightbulb.

She thought having twins was gong to be her meal ticket. Turns out that content was boring too.

She spends as little money on her kids as he possibly can. She has a job that offers her a lot of flexility to be with her kids and she choses to have a nanny so she continue her big time breadwinner flex. She is selfish and lazy.

That makes sense. They are probably doing it and also having the baby unclothed to make sure they can get the baby "topped off (i.e. overfed)", so he doesn't inconvenience them by waking in the night. Surely, this is the advice of whatever quack they are following. It's absolutely horrifying!

I posted about this earlier. I've never seen anyone feed a baby like this. It seems awkward and uncomfortable for them and the baby. These 2 are the most bizarre parents I have ever seen.

Not a blessing for all the people suffering damage to their homes and not able to get hotels with no A/C. It takes a lot of f'ing privilege for here to call this a blessing.

If she is not careful, she is going to need that ring cut off.

Why do they hold that baby in such a strange way when they feed him? We never held our kids that way. It seems awkward and uncomfortable for them and the baby.

She owns a poor quality McMansion. I have gutters on my house, it's not pouring off the roof like that.

Not taking her kids out to eat or exposing them to new foods at home is a sure fire way to create picky eaters.