When I was 13, my pediatrician decided I had thyroiditis from a slight lump on my neck and sent me straight to her husband who was a surgeon. There was nothing wrong with me! I only agreed to go to the doctor because I wanted to miss 1st period Math.

That good Samaritan deserves a medal! It's nice to finally have a parent arrested for leaving their kids in a hot car without it involving a death. It's heartbreaking and infuriating that at least 1,090 kids have died in hot cars nationwide since 1990. That's way too many kids, especially for how easy it is to prevent hot car deaths.

Remember, when it's 100 degrees outside, the temperature inside the car can hit 120 degrees in only 10 minutes. So I'm just glad that the kids were saved and are hopefully in a better situation now that CYS is involved. Idk how anyone can possibly think it's OK to leave any living being inside a car when it's pushing 100 degrees out, let alone a Mom thinking it's fine to leave her 4 kids between 1 month and 4 yo in the car for an hour. After 1 hour, it'd be at least 140 inside the car. Thank God the Good Samaritan saw the kids when she did and got them out in time.

Patriotism is completely separate from politics to me. I may hate whichever bumbling idiot is in charge of the country at a given moment, but I'll always love my country because America isn't just our elected officials and their policies. It's a mindset and a way of life, and I for one can enjoy and appreciate my freedoms even when I hate the president our citizens selected.

Sadly, we all knew it was only a matter of time before it spread to humans once other mamnals started getting it in the US. I just hope it'll be more like the Swine Flu outbreak than Covid.

The bride disappeared from the reception and was found at a bar with her ex boyfriend who she was cheating on the groom with. It took them way too long to divorce too because the groom was a spineless idiot.

Ooh, and a "none of the above" option that would let us send the parties back to try again because their appointed candidates are so unacceptable we refuse to vote for either candidate. I'd have used that option a lot the last bunch of elections.

I'd be terrified waiting for the inevitable FBI raid and paranoid that some gang/cartel made a mistake and will know where their money is and will try to get it back by force. Then I'd start living like the kid in "Blank Check." I loved that movie as a 90s kid!

Really? My first thought was bride's crazy ex shot the groom because I watch why too many TV crime shows where that's happened.

In college, the people in front of me at the movies gave me a free ticket to the movie I was seeing because they had a coupon that was expiring. I'd just found out that day that my Dad had cancer and it made me feel like maybe it was a good sign and my Dad would be ok even though he was the anomaly who got oral cancer despite never touching any tobacco. He ended up beating it that time and I often thought about how those strangers had no idea how much I needed that free movie ticket just for a little brightness on a horrible day.

NTA. I remember being 5 and adoring my older cousin's boyfriends and being angry if something came up and they couldn't join her when she was babysitting me, but your sister is taking it way too far by being violent. That's beyond the typical hysterical crying tantrum you'd expect from a 5 year old with hurt feelings. She needs help and to not be around you guys until she can show appropriate behavior, even if that means she misses your wedding.

Totally agree and I've seen kids utilizing the internet to learn more about things I didn't know at their age, so I think it's great that they can actually get an answer to their questions. And I know kids who won't raise their hand to ask a question in class due to anxiety, but thanks to the internet they can ask questions without fear.


Basically trying to say "pay no attention to what we do, just give us money and have diplomatic relations and trade with us."

They must be even dumber than I thought they were, or they just figure since the U.S. seemed to forget about them harboring Al Qaeda and gave them back the country with some nice military hardware, airfields, and bases so it's worth a shot. But they're nuts if they think the West's response will be anything other than telling them to stop abusing and subjugation your women and maybe then we can talk about having relations once you're actively treating your women much better.

Accessibility settings, including a high contrast keyboard. My aunt is older and tech illiterate. I switched on her phone's visual accessibility settings and now she can actually see the keyboard when she attempts to use her phone. She said it's been a gamechanger and I'm kicking myself for not realizing sooner that this feature was available.

Nope. Vaguely heard the Copa America referenced in a foreign news article and assumed it was a sporting event but had to Google to make sure it was soccer while hearing the Copa Cabana song immediately start playing in my head, but I wasn't aware it was taking place in the US this year.

In all honesty, the Little League World Series gets way more US press than this Copa America thing because most Americans care way more about kids playing baseball (America's favorite pastime) than an international soccer tournament. Soccer just isn't part of our national identity the way other sports are.

I feel like soccer is one of those sports that you either grow up knowing all about or you never have anything to do with it. I've learned to love other sports I didn't grow up around, like ice hockey, but soccer just bores tf out of me. It's how I imagine my high school friends who were in band and didn't grow up watching football with their Dads felt being forced to attend our high school's football game every Friday. I enjoyed it because I knew what was going on while they just had a lot of questions about what was happening and why it was happening, and they were generally very bored while I enjoyed watching the game and cheering on our team.

NTA. Asking people to follow medical recommendations around newborns is common sense, not a political attack. Also, you weren't forcing anyone to get vaccinated. You just informed them that no one without the vaccines would be allowed around your kid until they were older. It was your family's choice to either get vaccinated or wait to see their grandkid and you aren't responsible for their decision.

Unfortunately, I think this has been the norm for a long time and we're just now finding out how prevalent it's always been because victims are finally coming forward. Hopefully, now that it's been brought to light we can save kids from future abuse at the hands of their coaches.

Should we start taking bets on the real numbers? Was it one dead from a single drone that attacked or a bunch more dead from a mass drone attack? We know that what's being reported here isn't the whole truth because it's coming from Russia. Or, of course, this was a false flag attack by Russia, which is always a possibility

I feel so bad for the kids, especially the ones who were with them in the water and tried to help them but eventually had to swim ashore themselves because it was too dangerous. Can't imagine being in that situation as an adult, let alone as a teen. That's some serious PTSD and survivor's guilt.

Rip currents are no joke but if people just stay calm and float, you'll be fine. The problem is, people think they're being pulled out to sea and panic so they try to fight it which just tires them out.

Really, they couldn't just do fried chicken? They had to add the watermelon to make sure it was racist. Because fried chicken is kinda a staple summer party food for all Americans and wouldn't have gotten them in any trouble. But adding watermelon to the meal seems almost cartoonishly racist, so whoever approved or ordered the food should probably start looking for a new job.

I've always heard it as Wilkes Berry as a Yinzer because that's how all the Penguins announcers pronounce the minor league affiliate there, and Mike Lange can't be wrong.

16th birthday parties don't all include a brand new sports car like they do on TV. Some teens get new cars but most families either get something used or just have the teen share one of the family's cars. I think most parents who aren't extremely wealthy prefer not spending an insane amount of money buying their teen their dream car when they're still in the new driver stage.

Back when I was a substitute teacher, I was subbing in a new class when a fight broke out and since I didn't know the students' nanes I told the principal I'd seen the Black boy in the basketball shorts punch the white boy in the green shirt. The mother of the Black student insisted I was racist and unfairly targeting her son, and her proof was me identifying him as the Black student. She complained to the school and online and wanted me banned from subbing at the district because I was such an 'evil racist."

For the record, although it was a predominately white school, there was another Black student in the class, so I didn't only use race to describe the students.

I was told by other teachers at the school that Mom was just a nutjob and to ignore her, but I was worried her public allegations online would hurt my chances of employment so that was the last time I ever described someone by race outside of my family and friends,.

Though I also think being from a conservative small town makes me a little paranoid about being accidentally racially insensitive because of how often I've heard people insist we're all racists and Nazis, and I don't want anyone to think that's accurate because I say the wrong thing. And as a teacher, never want to hurt any students of color so I try to avoid using race to describe any student.

As for terminology, I think the issue is there are too many terms whose meanings and acceptability change over time and with geography. I was always taught that the term mixed was offensive and the p.c. term was biracial, but I heard Black people in college use mixed all the time instead of biracial. It drove my biracial friend crazy! Her Dad always used to tell her mixed is for nuts, and you're not nuts.

He's repeatedly shown he has no idea where he is or where he's been, see the kid who had to remind him which country he'd been to last (Ireland).

Video: https://youtu.be/eQ7T7ppybGw?si=yggizdTmvSbaAlrO

He also routinely mixes up countries in very different parts of the world like when he kept calling Cambodia who was hosting the ASEAN summit Columbia. He was attending the freaking summit which was for Southeastern Asian countries in Cambodia, and he never once corrected himself or realized he had the wrong country on the wrong continent.

Source: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/joe-biden-asean-summit-cambodia-colombia-b1039495.html

Then there was the multiple times in the same week he kept talking about dead politicians as if they were still alive.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/second-mixup-week-biden-talks-meeting-dead-european-leaders-rcna137823

He also last week mixed up Egypt and Mexico. Source: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2024/feb/09/israeli-offensive-on-gaza-over-the-top-says-biden-video

There've been a ton of other examples but those are what I remembered off the top of my head, which makes ne sad that this is our current leader. He also seems weirdly obsessed with ice cream for a grown, non-senile adult. What world leader of sound mind is seen licking an ice cream cone while discussing the horrendous Israel/Gaza war on late night tv?

Source: https://time.com/6835515/biden-gaza-ceasefire-ice-cream/

I've lost too many elderly relatives to dementia and the signs definitely seem to be there to me. Whatever the cause, he's definitely not all there nentally anymore.