I just find it a scummy thing to do to agree to set a time and place for a date and then just not even letting me know that she won’t make it. I don’t even need an excuse, just don’t make me save my free time for you pointlessly

No, she didn’t give me her account and I’m not gonna stalk her profile down

I have a private account so she couldn’t have seen anything without following

Bei mir auch so. Ich finde, alleine (also ohne Partner) ist heutzutage extrem schwierig bei einem Durchschnittseinkommen unter 40-50% rauszukommen. Mieten und Betriebskosten sind viel zu hoch, Löhne dafür zu niedrig. Schade, dass wir dazu gekommen sind, als ein erwachsener Mensch einen WG mit Fremden teilen müssen, um finanziell viable zu sein…

Ca. 40%, Miete + Strom, Fernwärme, wohne alleine im Zweizimmerwohnung (45qm)

Sorry title is supposed to be *rear wheel

Read wheel wobble, Duke 125

Hi y’all, I have a question: unfortunately I had a small crash a week ago (rear wheel slipped on the wet tram tracks at the speed of 15-20kmh and laid the bike on its right side) and since then I feel like my rear wheel has a wobble at higher speeds (60-70kmh). I also feel like the wheel is slipping sideways when hitting tram tracks, road bumps and similar at city speeds (40-50kmh). I see no damage on the wheel or the drivetrain, my frame sliders got most of the damage. It also doesn’t wobble when I try to move it while it’s on the side stand. I’m still a bit anxious around corners and higher speed because of this, I don’t trust the rear wheel when turning and trying to take it a bit more “dynamically”. Any ideas what I should look for, or is it only in my head? Could the rear wheel even get damaged at such low speed during the crash?

Notneutral cups are the GOAT. No wonder they are used on international barista championships. The pour is just so smooth.

I took it for 3 semesters as a part of my translation / interpretation studies. Since then I’m trying to practice by myself but as it is not one of my primary languages, it’s not easy to maintain the level I had during university

Az Airtag nem GPS technológiával működik, hanem a közelben levő Apple készülékek (iPhone-ok, iPad-ek, Mac-ek stb) segítségével méri be a pozícióját. Ezért is nem kell hozzá egy külső áramellátás vagy havi előfizetés (mint ahogy a legtöbb GPS eszköz esetében szokott lenni).

Ha magyarokkal akartok ismerkedni, nézzetek rá az MDE / VUS (Magyar Diákok Egyesülete) Facebook csoportra, nem kizárólag diákoknak van, inkább fiatal Bécsi magyaroknak :)

Amikor munkából este fél 8ra érek haza, érdekes lenne a 8kor fekvés 😅 cserébe az olyan napokon reggel fél 8kor kelek (vagy fél 9kor ha HO-ban vagyok)

Nah man mayonnaise is the way to go

As others pointed out, at higher speed I’d rather have the sliders bent and fucked up than flipping the entire bike or damaging the frame

I’m not sure of the exact brand, got it on Amazon for Duke 125 (2021-2023 version)

It actually did bend so I don’t think at higher speed it would damage the frame

I’ll order a new set as this one came loose and can’t tighten it anymore. A set cost me 40 bucks on Amazon