My wife and I are doing a book trade, she’s having me read a book I probably wouldn’t pick up myself, and I’m supposed to do the same. She hasn’t really looked at Prog Fantasy before, so I don’t want to give her anything too crunchy. I also want to stay away from longer series, and I don’t want to give her something that takes 3-4 books to hit its stride. So that eliminates Cradle,DotF, and HWFWM. Knowing her, she would find Primal Hunter borderline unreadable. She has also read Dungeon Crawler Carl already (because I wouldn’t shut up about it).

So, out of these remaining books, which should I give her? Warformed, Azarinth Healer, System Universe, Path of the Berserker, This Quest is Bullshit!, Beware of Chicken, and Awaken Online.

I’m open to other books, I tried to remember as many as I have read recently, but might have forgotten some.

Edit: I have decided on This Quest is Bullshit, I figured it would be more fun than the other highest rec, MoL. It also has light litRPG elements, so we can branch that way if she likes it too