I had to unsub. Too much negative too far beyond my control.

My daughter just got banned for calling someone a camper. It’s stupid.

All books except the jesus one are henceforth restricted.

This, not a presidential debate, will decide the future of democracy.

I don’t think it’s hitting the people who actually deserve it.

It is impossible for Trump to ever dominate on facts.

He took the White House from their cult messiah.

Bring your own cooler with food and drinks. This is the way.

“Check out this band, it’s to die for!”

Awkward silence.

Actually I felt like he talked way too fast, like he was trying to firehose us with info, but his brain couldn’t keep up.

Trump calling Biden a liar. Holy shit that’s rich.

Trump is just gish galloping now. Every lie goes unopposed.

They gloss over that in the article:

“Two things are true,” said Stevie O’Hanlon, Sunrise Movement’s communications director. “Joe Biden has accomplished more on climate than any president before and has made really big strides forward to build renewable energy and create green jobs. It’s also true that if you look at the numbers, U.S. oil and gas production has never been higher before.”