Top 3 imo are 5, 8 and 11. First two can be played on 3DS so that’s my answer for that question too.

DQ2 is better than 1 in every way, it's insane to me that it's so consistently ranked below it by people.


Congrats! I’ve only played/beaten the mobile version myself and yeah that version is pretty easy outside of the last walk to the final dungeon which I remember kicking my ass a lot more than the actual dungeon did lol. I also never felt like I had to grind a ton and thought the game pretty naturally got me to the level I needed to be to beat the game (which was roughly about where you were).

Personally, I really like DQ2 a lot, it’s very underrated and has some really fun characters and moments. I think it gets a lot of hate (or maybe apathy is the better word) because of its awkward sandwiching between DQ1 (the first entry in the series and an incredibly influential game for the genre) and DQ3 (incredibly influential in its own right and also insanely popular), but I think it’s an immensely better game than its predecessor, which it improves upon on in every single way as far as I’m concerned.

Glad you enjoyed it OP, wish more people gave it a chance and/or looked at it outside of its placement in the series. If anything it’s actually the one I’m the most excited to play again from the upcoming HD-2D trilogy.

Oh I see lol yeah that was the first I’d ever heard of that too, actually

If you mean chapter 6 and playable Psaro then that was only added in the remakes of DQ4 (so the PS1, DS and mobile versions). The NES version just ends with chapter 5.

Ah yeah that’s true, I forgot about that

Agreed. Loved the game and the original ending but felt Chapter 6 was wholly unnecessary and just left me feeling a bit sour on the game as I moved on to 5. I get that they wanted to capitalise on how popular Psaro is and made him playable, but just kinda doing a weird ‘do-over’ of the last chapter but with the rather lacklustre twist that Aamon was secretly behind it all, leading to just a lame reskin of the original final boss, was not it imo. I’m pretty sure if I ever do replay 4 that I’ll just stop at the end chapter 5 and leave things there.

It’s crazy to me that we still haven’t seen Android 16 or any of the other Buus

Orderrealm Johnny takes me back, man. I was so hyped when I saw that ending back in the day and I couldn’t wait to see both that Johnny design and Orderrealm in the next game 🙃

:Zappa: - Zappa

The way SF6 is going I’d start prepping for the funeral fam

We await your return, warrior

How ‘late’ are we talking here? ‘Late’ as in introduced at the last possible moment before the end? Or ‘late’ as in introduced too late in the story to really make much of an impact even if they’re around for a bit?

If it’s the former then definitely Necron in FF9. I know it’s thematically relevant and all that, but there is almost zero build up (maybe even zero build up full stop, it’s been a while) to it throughout the entire game to focus on Kuja only for Kuja to get tossed aside and this random ass god of death thing showing up, providing zero real context or meaning to why it’s there before fucking off as quickly as it arrived after you beat it.

If it’s the latter then I’d have to go with in JoJolion, because I actually think he’s a good villain that fits with the overall themes and messaging of Part 8, but arrives so goddam late that it almost doesn’t matter. Just a baffling choice by Araki to waste the main villain like that (especially when was right there the whole time) and I really hope The JOJOLands introduces its main antagonist as soon as possible just to make sure we don’t get another situation.

That’s…honestly baffling lol, I have no idea why that’d be mandated considering it’s near ruined the English videos I watched.

Actually, now that I think about it, none of the Japanese gameplay videos I watched had commentary which makes that even weirder.

Thanks for sharing this and the game looks incredible and all that, but holy shit man why does every single English-speaking content creator just waffle throughout their video? I just want to watch raw gameplay without someone screaming “OMG SO HYPE” every two seconds.

Add more cutscenes for Seifer and the option to recruit him in Disc 4. I've always felt like he should rejoined the party and it's the only thing I'd want changed in a potential remake.


All I want or care about is Krizalid being the boss challenge, everything else I'm just gonna see what happens but that's the one thing I'll be upset about if it doesn't happen.


It was a certainly a choice to say nothing about the state of KoFXV for months, leading to everyone assuming the game was dead, only to just casually drop that there’s more content coming in a random interview a month before EVO.

We await your return, warrior

Chris  from the King of Fighters is basically this.

He debuted in KoF97 alongside Yashiro and Shermie and for the most part comes across as a playful , innocent  15 year old who just wants to jam in his rock band, CYS.

Eventually all three of them are revealed to actually be the reincarnated heads of a cult born to serve and protect the ancient spirit Orochi and use KoF to bring it back so it can destroy the world. The most shocking thing from this reveal, however, is that Chris is actually, by far, the most evil  and twisted  of the three members of CYS and that this cute and playful demeanour is actually a front to hide how dark and twisted he really is.

This twist, and the eventual reveal that Chris is actually the one who is chosen by Orochi to be his host, is genuinely one of my favourite twists in gaming. KoF97 tries to lean towards Yashiro being the most important one of the New Faces, but Chris by far has the most surprising and interesting secret behind him. It’s great and he’s one of my favourite KoF characters because of it.

I'm more pissed that they added the Shaolin skins for Raiden, Kenshi, Johnny and Kung Lao to the game files with this update but the shrine only had that one shitty Quan Chi skin and nothing else. I've been waiting 9 goddamn months for those Shaolin skins (even longer if you count Kenshi's and Raiden's being in the gameplay reveal trailer) and they're still not letting us have them, it's a complete joke.

We await your return, warrior

This is actually the most likely scenario here and one I admittedly never thought of. It's funny to imagine Brad thinking he's found a safe spot to hide in only to walk down the stairs, see a group of 5-6 zombies, do this , then immediately turn around and leave all in time for Jill to see him run like hell lmao.

Soon as I saw Goku Jr I laughed my ass off IRL

We await your return, warrior

Early on in the original Resident Evil 3 you come across a back alley  that has a door which Brad Vickers runs out of  when you get close, followed by about 5-6 zombies shortly after that turn their attention to you. When you defeat the zombies and go into the room, you find that it’s just a small set of stairs  and a tiny room with a dead body, a shotgun  and lighter fuel in it with no other exit or entrance .

What was Brad doing in that room?

How did the zombies get into that room?

How did Brad get out of that room without getting mauled to pieces?

I would love to know the lead-up to him being in that scenario and how he got out of it completely unscathed, even if the answer ultimately doesn’t matter.