How did you manage it yourself? It’s just hard having to work a shitty job to barely afford to move out while you meet people in your same uni who’s parent pay their rent even if when they could live at home for free

I think you’re coming from a very privileged place as a woman to be saying anyone can be upfront about their intentions. Unfortunately as a guy if you say you’re only interested in sex right away you’ll get ignored at best, most decent girl need some time to know your personality and charm before they can even see themselves having sex with you and I shouldn’t be teaching this to you.

Maaybe some very hot guys can get away with being direct like that but for the majority of us we have to bring it up slowly and find excuses to bring a girl back home. Girls also like it to happen naturally and not premeditated, it has to be a "it just happened" moment which is hard to do when you offer them to book a hotel room.

Thanks, I don’t really believe in those she wasn’t the right person thing, I think if I had my own place it would have happened on some of those opportunities (it’s never a 100% guarantee sex will happen even when you the girl looks very into you) but it didn’t and it sucks, I think writing this post helped me evacuate my feelings because ever since I posted it I barely think about it and instead I’m back on searching jobs and working in my business to eventually be able to move out.

So you mean like going to a date in a hotel bar kinda, yeah that’s an idea I suppose.

Also I suppose it do transpire in some way but how could it not, sometimes I’m actually relieved when a girl isn’t interested right away because it means I won’t get in a situation where she is really into me but I have nowhere to bring her and she loose all interest suddenly.

You managed to be fully independent from your parents at 18 or were they still giving you some money?

Also how did you become a digital nomad, how are you earning money currently?

Is that enough to move out on your own as a student? Or are your parents helping you too

You managed to do it only by yourself? Were you studying at the same time or just working full time?

So she pays your rent so you can move out, was there any particular reason for her to do it?

And you just need to practice social interactions in general, even just talking to a cashier and slowly you’ll build confidence around women. As for channel Alpha Male Strategies if probably the best for dating if you’re into his vibe but you might not like him. Dm me if you wanna talk more

So she pays your rent so you can move out, was there any particular reason for her to do it?

And you just need to practice social interactions in general, even just talking to a cashier and slowly you’ll build confidence around women. As for channel Alpha Male Strategies if probably the best for dating if you’re into his vibe but you might not like him. Dm me if you wanna talk more

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There's this site where you can buy them for cheap for insta and tiktok, only 10$ for 1000:

Give it a try, it works well

There's this site where you can buy them for cheap for insta and tiktok, only 10$ for 1000:

Give it a try, it works well

There's this site where you can buy them for cheap for insta and tiktok, only 10$ for 1000:

Give it a try, it works well

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There's this site where you can buy them for cheap for insta and tiktok:

Give it a try, it works well

There's this site where you can buy them for cheap for insta and tiktok:

Give it a try, it works well

There's this site where you can buy them for cheap for insta and tiktok:

Give it a try, it works well

Was that how you afford to move out yourself? What kind of job would you recommend

Is it something I can replicate somehow? I’d do unorthodox if it could fix this issue of mine lol

How did is it going for you now, are you able to? I don’t wanna say it makes it impossible but just much harder.

Also no, it’s not really a possibility in my current situation

Thanks, that’s what I plan on doing but sometimes it gets me down when I rethink about the missed opportunities before and how others people had rent paid by their parents when I didn’t. I wrote this yesterday and I’m already feeling more positive about it today.

That’s good way to frame it actually and it worked sometimes but some girls don’t like being blunt about it and you gotta play pretend and say you’re going back to your place just to have another drink or watch a movie, saying you want to go to a hotel or at her place is a bit too forward unfortunately. Even girls who just want to hookup upfront might prefer someone who has his own place and lives in the city so she might move on from you just because of that which is painful.